#Linux on Microsoft tablet, Lenovo, Samsung, HP, Rasberry Pi and probably on everything else 💪🏻
#linux #samsung #microsoft #lenovo #hp #raspberry #pi
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Anomalies and symmetry fractionalization
Diego Delmastro, Jaume Gomis, Po-Shen Hsin, Zohar Komargodski
SciPost Phys. 15, 079 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #pi #uw #ManiL #SCGP #Government_of_Canada #Institut_Périmètre_de_physique_théorique #Ministry_of_Colleges_and_Universities #SimonsFoundation
‘I hope I’m wrong’: the co-founder of DeepMind on how AI threatens to reshape life as we know it
From synthetic organisms to killer drones, Mustafa Suleyman talks about the mind-blowing potential of artificial intelligence, and how we can still avoid catastrophe.
Halfway through my interview with the co-founder of DeepMind, the most advanced AI research outfit in the world, I mention that I asked #ChatGPT to come up with some questions for him.
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Slightly broken higher-spin current in bosonic and fermionic QED in the large-N limit
Zheng Zhou, Yin-Chen He
SciPost Phys. 15, 072 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #pi #uw #GovernmentofCanada #MinistryofCollegesandUniversities #NSERC
I'm always fascinated by the versatility of π
#pi #math #mathematics #biology #article #science
Ho comprato un mini #pc su cui ho installato #pi-hole ma sento di poter farci altro. Qualcuno ha qualche #consiglio? #mastoaiuto
#pc #pi #consiglio #mastoaiuto
For anyone who has installed #Pi-Hole at home and replaced their router, which router did you go for?
Ours won't let me change DNS settings and I'd rather not do it half-assed. I know I could manually set DNS on some devices.
#hamradio #dmr question from a total noob. OK, I got the Parrot working through my hotspot, but no #talkgroups work, even though configured the same. Do I have to enable each TG on the #pi-star or somewhere else?
#hamradio #dmr #talkgroups #pi
#dmr question from a total noob. OK, I got the Parrot working through my hotspot, but no #talkgroups work, even though configured the same. Do I have to enable each TG on the #pi-star or somewhere else?
#Pirola #BA286 #Pi
Orf1a:A211D is one of the mutations ever detected.
It corresponds to the N-terminal region of the NSP2 protein, involved in regulating translation (making a protein from RNA) and in regulating (negative) interference of RNA by the host microRNA [the bibliography indicates whether it inhibits or promotes]. In addition, it clearly plays a role in inflammation, again by promoting or preventing it, so we could call NSP2 Janus (https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/15/2/334 and https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2204539119).
The specific NSP2:A31D (Orf1a:A211D) mutation has never been observed before, although the A31S mutation has been observed in the past. This region appears to be relatively conserved among SARS-CoV-2 and is shared with SARS, MERS and other coronaviruses.
One thing is certain, NSP2 has not mutated much with the omicron variant. Especially when compared with the delta variant. A new era?
Die Wette, sich #PI in voller Länge in 7pt Helvetica Condensed Semibold auf den Körper tätowieren zu lassen, bereute Kevin nun schon seit Jahren …
Periodická připomínka toho, jaký byl Google tehdy a jaký dnes. Už jen úvodní stránka je plná různých analytics udělátek, trackerů a podobných. Bez #Pi-hole, #AdGuardHome už to prostě dnes nejde. #onlinesecurity #infosec #soukromi
@thomasfuchs https://hachyderm.io/@thomasfuchs/109861355271027547
#pi #adguardhome #onlinesecurity #infosec #soukromi
Scientists raise alarm over new COVID variant Pi and call for return of face masks.
"Early tests show Pi, also known as BA.6, carries more than 30 mutations in its spike protein, the part of the virus that latches onto human cells and causes an infection."
"Denmark and Israel are among the countries who have recorded cases this week."
oh I might have to invest in another #Raspberry #Pi to have a play around with #raspberry-noaa-v2.
#sdr #satellites #weather #hamradio #pi #raspberry