@yassie_j or rather demanding shit that isn't possible with the hardware and/or software in question...
Like playing #Crysis on a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 v1.3
@Walrus @trashheap @Raspberry_Pi Personally, I got one as I wanted to evaluate it as replacement for a #Pi0W or even a faster #Pi0 with no need but it's HDMI, USB, microSD and cpmputational power compared to scalped #PiZero|s...
But then again the #PocketCrypto doesn't need any #GUI but just a #TUI...
#tui #GUI #PocketCrypto #pizero #pi0 #Pi0W
@chksome Or maybe
@geerlingguy works professionally with
@Raspberry_Pi SoC's...
After all, #RaspberryPi #CM4's are extremely common since they have what all their #clones and #competitors lack:
Even if the #BananaPi #BPi0M2 should wipe the floor with the #Pi0W / #Pi0 even #IT professors can't get it to work in any other mode than 720p60...
#IT #pi0 #Pi0W #bpi0m2 #bananapi #competitors #clones #cm4 #RaspberryPi
@cashir @KeyEm @konstantin @kantorkel @bsi @digitalcourage @torproject @forthy42
Wenn es möglich wäre, #Tor gewaltsam abzuschalten oder Netzwerkseitig #OnionServices stillzulegen, dann hätten diverse Staaten dies bereits getan...
Hinzu kommt dass #Tor und auch #I2P nicht die einzigen Methoden sind, unerkannt zu kommunizieren...
Jede*r der sich mit #GnuPG befasst und nen @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 benutzen kann, dürfte bereits in der Lage sein, #airgapped zu verschlüsseln... https://github.com/KBtechnologies/PocketCrypto
#airgapped #pi0 #gnupg #i2p #OnionServices #Tor
@corduroy Also it's even more accessible than paper whilst avoiding the need to reprint plans everytime they change schedules and routings...
Propably uses a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 with a cheap WWAN modem.
@dis @adafruit that's because @rpilocator only tracks the @Raspberry_Pi #SBC's, not #Microcontrollers...
Not to mention that the #RP2040 (as well as #PiPico and variants like #PiPicoW) are generally well available and not even remotely as #Scalped as even the #Pi0 v1.3 is today)...
#pi0 #scalped #pipicow #pipico #rp2040 #microcontrollers #sbc
@ethanOS thx but I'm still figuring out how to get the #BananaPiZeroM2 #BPi0M2 working as a drop-in replacement for the @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0W & #Pi0 since #RaspberryPi seems more unwilling than unable to get units sold via their distributors at #MSRP.
Cuz the scalpers charge €60+ for a #Pi0W and €120+ for a #Pi0 v1.3 when both are actually €10 and €5 MSRP.
Industrial customers however seem to get double-digit numbers at MSRP just fine...
#msrp #RaspberryPi #pi0 #Pi0W #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2
Tho I'm convinced the easiest thing would be to make an actual Segment Display with some custom cutouts to switch between GHz and MHz...
Tho basically everyone has done that with a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 or a #PiPico and a #shell script pulling data from tools...
That being said an actually reprogrammable #Display for the Front would be cool....
@wim_v12e +9001%
If I can't run it on a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 v.13 or #Pi0W then I'll not consider it useable.
That being said @Raspberry_Pi propably already makes as many as they can without drastically increasing prices since factory capacities from fab to assembly usually gets auctioned off and due to pricing [they'll have to make the #Pi0 v.1.3 for like €2 in order to make it sellable for €10] they'll only be able to get space capacities or lowest priority from their partners.
@ososxe I know @rpilocator and setup alerts both with it and all the distributors for @Raspberry_Pi in #Germany.
It doesn't even have the #Pi0 v1.3 listed and all the #Pi0W are always sold out.
Also sadly it doesn't have "EU" as selection...
@B_Whitewind so if I gonna have to pay triple digits for a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 I might just get a shitty #amd64 - #SPBC in a #fanless case instead and enjoy native #USB #boot support...
It's really irritating...
#boot #USB #fanless #spbc #amd64 #pi0
@B_Whitewind The problem is that there ain't actually good @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 replacements /alternatives.
I mean the #BananaPi #PiZero M2 / #BPi0M2 works but it not only 6x the MSRP of the #Pi0 v1.3 but also has far worse #Software #Support...
#support #Software #bpi0m2 #pizero #bananapi #pi0
:boost_ok: #FollowerPower: Does anyone know a #distributor that actually sells @Raspberry_Pi / #RaspberryPi #PiZero v1.3 / #Pi0 1.3 (NOT #Pi0W / #Pi0W2!) at #MSRP or at least not beyond 300% of it?
Cuz all I see are shitty #scammers and #ValueRemoving #rentseekers aka. [unofficial!] "#resellers" that charge 1.000% - >2.000% of the MSRP and they seem to #bot all the shops empty.
Like it's worse than with the #PS5 & #XboxSeriesX, and that's already shit.
#XboxSeriesX #PS5 #Bot #resellers #rentseekers #valueremoving #scammers #msrp #pi0w2 #Pi0W #pi0 #pizero #RaspberryPi #distributor #FollowerPower
The #BananaPiZeroM2 on paper should basically run laps around the @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 & #Pi0W but it doesn't even allow anything but 720p60 on HDMI...
#Software makes #OperatingSystems and Operating Systems make #Hardware
THIS is why the #RaspberryPi owns the market...
#RaspberryPi #Hardware #operatingsystems #Software #Pi0W #pi0 #bananapizerom2
@Natanox As much as I'd consider alternatives to @Raspberry_Pi since their stuff is being scalped beyond insane, a lot of those suffer from poor software support, worse availability and even higher prices.
That being said I do use a #BananaPiZeroM2 / #BPi0M2 since the #Pi0/#Pi0W is being scalped >10x it's #MSRP and I've yet to find a good #CM4 / #Pi4B replacement that isn't out of production, double the price or unsupported by even @ubuntu or #Debian...
#Debian #Pi4B #cm4 #msrp #pi0 #bpi0m2 #bananapizerom2
@nix *nodds in agreement*
In fact that's why I want to do the #PocketCrypto as an encrypted #pager system:
an RTL-SDR passively scanning the 27MHz band and decoding AFSK on a @Raspberry_Pi #Pi0 isn't taking much power at all...
And it'll likely be able to charge a huge-ass LiFePO4 cell with a few mins of cranking too...
Maybe I should get a crank-based powerbank?
I wounder how fast and "realtime-capable" a #RP2040, #Pi0, or #Pi0W2 are, cuz I kinda want to make a precision egg drop device like Mark Rober didn't.
But I'm shure @Raspberry_Pi won't answer that question...