Max Frischknecht and I just gave our presentation on "Community & Interoperability at the Core of Sustaining Image Archives" at #dhnb2023 - here are the slides: #pia_sinergia
With two other PhD Candidates, we just submitted a paper for the @ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (#JOCCH) Special Issue (“Applying Innovative Technologies to Digitised and Born-Digital Archives”).
I think it is the first time that I submit a paper to a peer-reviewed journal which is not tied to a conference. Scary stuff.
I am looking forward to this afternoon's workshop #swib22 - I am going to attend the 3D Workshop presented by @lozross
"Working with linked open data in the context of annotation and semantic enrichment of 3D media: A new FOSS toolchain"
Quite excited because last year I attended the @skohub workshop and I directly started using it for our #pia_sinergia research project - still a work-in-progress though :)
My presentation on #IIIF for the PIA research project (#pia_sinergia) at #EuroMed2022 is already done. It is also available online:
#Euromed2022 #pia_sinergia #iiif
About to go to Cyprus for the #Euromed2022 - International Conference on Digital Heritage, where I will be presenting (yet unpublished) how we've (ping @thgie) been implementing #IIIF for the #pia_sinergia project.
#pia_sinergia #iiif #Euromed2022
Also... folks from Oxford and I submitted a poster for #dh2023 talking about this #LinkedArt workflow. Fingers crossed! 😀
Two days ago for the #LinkedArt Working Group Call, I gave a presentation of the (work-in-progress) deployment of Linked Art (an RDF profile application of #CIDOCRM) within the #pia_sinergia project. I will update the slides when major developments occur.
#pia_sinergia #CIDOCRM #LinkedArt #DH2023