Un autre acte de vandalisme motivé par la haine contre la représentation #2SLGBTQ au #Canada: les homophobes s'en prennent maintenant aux trottoirs d'une ville en banlieue de #Toronto.
#2SLGBTQ #canada #toronto #pickering
Motorists urged to drive with caution after heavy rain leads to flooding
Jon Stokoe @jonstokoe · 1h ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Mind how you go folks if you are on the A169 #Whitby to #Pickering road.
أبلة فضيلة توفاها الله في كندا والجنازة في بيكرينج لو حد يحب يحضرها
#canada #Pickering
18 mars 1899: William #Pickering découvre Phoebe, une lune de Saturne. #histoire #cejourla #invention
#pickering #histoire #cejourla #invention
St Peter and St Paul's, Pickering, Yorkshire. Wall painting, probably first commissioned in 1450, and were painted the following decade, as details in the costumes and armour of some of the figures makes clear. This scene depicts the martyrdom of St Edmund, the last King of East Anglia, at the hands of the Northmen.
#WallPaintingWednesday #wallpainting #medieval #history #church #pickering #Yorkshire
#wallpaintingwednesday #wallpainting #medieval #history #Church #pickering #Yorkshire
#DougFord #ComesOut to the #Students at a #Pickering #highschool , sorry I shouldn't #DeadName her, Mary Ford.
#dougford #comesout #students #pickering #highschool #deadname #translife #crossdressing #fordnation
RT @navitaxmedia
Property Value - How to review your property taxes #propertytax http://youtu.be/LHhYlFArarw #barrie #Brampton #ldnont #tobermoryontario #vaughan #newmarket #Pickering #simcoecounty #guelphbusiness #waterloo #thejunction #TorontoRealEstate #markhamontario
#propertytax #barrie #brampton #ldnont #tobermoryontario #vaughan #newmarket #pickering #simcoecounty #guelphbusiness #waterloo #thejunction #torontorealestate #markhamontario
[ 🔄 ]
@Sheril 🔗 https://mastodon.social/users/Sheril/statuses/109379733057460401
I bet you’ve heard of #Galileo & Hubble, but what about #Henrietta Swan Leavitt?
#Leavitt changed #astronomy. She figured out new ways to measure a star’s distance from #Earth & her #work helped determine the #universe is expanding.
Her boss, Edward #Pickering, published her findings UNDER HIS NAME. Later, #Shapley used her #findings to determine distances around the Milky Way w/o credit.
#findings #Shapley #pickering #universe #work #earth #astronomy #Leavitt #henrietta #galileo
[ 🔄 ]
@Sheril 🔗 https://mastodon.social/users/Sheril/statuses/109379733057460401
I bet you’ve heard of #Galileo & Hubble, but what about #Henrietta Swan Leavitt?
#Leavitt changed #astronomy. She figured out new ways to measure a star’s distance from #Earth & her #work helped determine the #universe is expanding.
Her boss, Edward #Pickering, published her findings UNDER HIS NAME. Later, #Shapley used her #findings to determine distances around the Milky Way w/o credit.
#findings #Shapley #pickering #universe #work #earth #astronomy #Leavitt #henrietta #galileo
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#poweroutages #ajax #oshawa #pickering #Whitby #snowflies #torontoweather #onwx #onstorm #winterstorm #winterdriving #drivesafe #snow #weatherupdate #snowstorm #snowfall #gta #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#poweroutages #ajax #oshawa #pickering #whitby #snowflies #torontoweather #onwx #onstorm #winterstorm #winterdriving #drivesafe #snow #weatherupdate #snowstorm #snowfall #gta #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#poweroutages #ajax #oshawa #pickering #whitby #snowflies #torontoweather #onwx #onstorm #winterstorm #winterdriving #drivesafe #snow #weatherupdate #snowstorm #snowfall #gta #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#wetsnow #weatheralert #WinterWeather #gta #snowfall #snowstorm #weatherupdate #snow #drivesafe #winterdriving #winterstorm #onstorm #onwx #torontoweather #snowflies #whitby #pickering #oshawa #ajax #poweroutages
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#whitby #WinterWeather #snowflies #torontoweather #DriveSafe #snow #snowfall #gta #onwx #onstorm #winterstorm #WinterDriving #weatherupdate #snowstorm #weatheralert #wetsnow #ajax #pickering #poweroutages #oshawa
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#poweroutages #ajax #oshawa #pickering #whitby #snowflies #torontoweather #onwx #onstorm #winterstorm #winterdriving #drivesafe #snow #weatherupdate #snowstorm #snowfall #gta #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
Major #poweroutages in #Ajax #Oshawa #Pickering #Whitby as the #snowflies http://insauga.com https://www.insauga.com/major-power-outages-in-ajax-oshawa-pickering-and-whitby-as-the-snow-flies/ … #TorontoWeather #ONwx #ONStorm #WinterStorm #winterdriving #DriveSafe #snow #WeatherUpdate #Snowstorm #Snowfall #GTA #winterweather #weatheralert #wetsnow
#wetsnow #weatheralert #WinterWeather #gta #snowfall #snowstorm #weatherupdate #snow #drivesafe #WinterDriving #winterstorm #onstorm #onwx #torontoweather #snowflies #Whitby #pickering #oshawa #ajax #poweroutages
RT @AdoptableBuns@twitter.com https://twitter.com/AdoptableBuns/status/1610068466119081985#m: Gary is a handsome, young Lionhead from #Pickering, ON. http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/58014745
RT @AdoptableBuns@twitter.com https://n.asak.gg/AdoptableBuns/status/1610068466119081985#m: Gary is a handsome, young Lionhead from #Pickering, ON. http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/58014745
RT @FrameToFrameBJ@twitter.com
Day 21a of our photos from the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve in #Pickering which we will post until Doug Ford stops his destruction of this land. #RepealBill39 #RepealBill23 #NoSprawlDurham #SaveDRAP @Rouge_Valley_CC@twitter.com @gbeltalliance@twitter.com @CanadaGray@twitter.com #HandoffTheGreenBelt
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FrameToFrameBJ/status/1601581841194323969
#pickering #repealbill39 #repealbill23 #nosprawldurham #savedrap #handoffthegreenbelt
RT @Stopsprawlhalt1@twitter.com
#Pickering #onpoli https://twitter.com/NoSprawlDurham/status/1599907312000729096
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Stopsprawlhalt1/status/1599917627656339457