So You Wanna Practice #Picket? Here’s How We Did It
#strike #labor #union #picketline
#picket #strike #labor #union #picketline
Dang but #SAG/ #WGA have the *best* #picket lines
#sag #wga #picket #wgastrike #sagstrike #UnionStrong
BBC News - #SAG #strike: Actors join writers on #Hollywood #picket lines
#sag #strike #hollywood #picket
#Amazon gives #UnionBusting training to #contractors, cancels contract when they accept #union
#amazon #unionbusting #contractors #union #capitalism #strike #picket #picketline #upsstrike
The WGAw Asian American Writers Committee is hosting an ALL UNION AAPI PICKET!! Tomorrow Wed 07/12 from 12pm-2pm at Paramount Studios. I’ll be attending and hope to see some of you there!! 🙌 #wga #aapi #asianamerican #picket #unionstrong #writing #writingcommunity
#wga #aapi #asianamerican #picket #unionstrong #writing #writingcommunity
Today #Teamsters are erecting practice #picket lines as the July 31 expiration of their contract with #UPS rapidly approaches. After negotiations broke down yesterday, the largest #strike at a single employer in #US #history is a real possibility. :antifa_100:
#Teamsters #picket #ups #strike #us #history
#Fox is an #illiberal, #amoral #propaganda machine. By all means, #picket it, write #complaints, #ridicule people who do watch it.
But letting the #government decide who gets to #speak and who doesn't is NOT something you should be cheering for. #Censorship is a dangerous road; we've seen where it leads.
What if the next government decides that *your* #media is "#hate #speech" and #blocks it from airing, while letting Fox or OAN on-air?
#fox #illiberal #amoral #propaganda #picket #complaints #ridicule #government #speak #censorship #media #hate #speech #blocks #slippery #Slope
Kotaku: Twitch Streamer Hasan Piker Trolled By Game Awards Show Crasher #gaming #tech #kotaku #presidentsoftheunitedstates #videogamelivestreaming #hidetakamiyazaki #americanwriters #humaninterest #videohosting #strikeaction #adamconover #billclinton #hasanpiker #hasanabi #kaicenat #twitchtv #awards #picket
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #presidentsoftheunitedstates #videogamelivestreaming #hidetakamiyazaki #americanwriters #humaninterest #videohosting #strikeaction #adamconover #billclinton #hasanpiker #hasanabi #kaicenat #twitchtv #Awards #picket
Junior Doctors take part in a picket line outside Tameside General Hospital on 11 April 2023. Junior doctors across England are striking for four days, demanding a 35% pay rise and better patient safety.
The government says there will be no pay talks with the BMA union unless it abandons its 35% starting position #healthcare #doctors #strike #picket #industrialaction #tameside #manchester #juniordoctor #ashtonunderlyne #BMA
#healthcare #doctors #strike #picket #industrialaction #tameside #manchester #juniordoctor #ashtonunderlyne #bma
Today in Labor History March 12, 1912: The IWW won their Bread and Roses textile strike in Lawrence, MA. This was the first strike to use the moving picket line, implemented to avoid arrest for loitering. The workers came from 51 different nationalities and spoke 22 different languages. The mainstream unions, including the American Federation of Labor, all believed it was impossible to organize such a diverse workforce. However, the IWW organized workers by linguistic group and trained organizers who could speak each of the languages. Each language group got a delegate on the strike committee and had complete autonomy. Big Bill Haywood and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn masterminded the strategy of sending hundreds of the strikers' hungry children to sympathetic families in New York, New Jersey, and Vermont, drawing widespread sympathy, especially after police violently stopped a further exodus. 3 workers were killed by police during the strike. Nearly 300 were arrested.
The 1911 verse, by Poet James Oppenheim, has been associated with the strike, particularly after Upton Sinclair made the connection in his 1915 labor anthology, “The Cry for Justice: An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest”
As we come marching, marching, we battle too for men,
For they are women's children, and we mother them again.
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses!
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #BreadAndRoses #PoliceBrutality #union #ElizabethGurleyFlynn #BigBillHaywood #strike #picket #immigrants #poetry #novel #UptonSinclair @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #breadandroses #policebrutality #union #elizabethgurleyflynn #bigbillhaywood #strike #picket #immigrants #poetry #novel #uptonsinclair
Please support us for our next Picket Event at Seven Corners! Picture Description: an Event Flyer that reads, February 21st 1 PM to 5 PM Join US ON The Picket Line at 1954 SE Division ST 97202 #Solidarity #picket #union #pdx #groceryworkers @NSLU_PDX
#solidarity #picket #union #pdx #groceryworkers
Today in Labor History February 19, 1990: After a 10-month strike, rank-and-file miners at the Pittston Coal Co. ratified a new contract. Ninety-eight miners and a minister occupied a Pittston Coal plant in Carbo, Virginia, inaugurating the year-long strike. While a one-month Soviet coal strike dominated the U.S. media, the year-long Pittston strike received almost no media coverage. The wildcat walkouts involved 40,000 miners in Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky. Over 2,000 people occupied Camp Solidarity. Miners and their families engaged in Civil Disobedience, pickets, work stoppages and sometimes sabotage, vandalism and violence. Over 4,000 were arrested.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #pittston #coal #strike #miners #sabotage #vandalism #picket #CivilDisobedience #solidarity #soviet #wildcat
#workingclass #LaborHistory #pittston #coal #strike #miners #sabotage #vandalism #picket #civildisobedience #solidarity #soviet #wildcat
Started the day at the #UniversityOfLeeds #picket, ended the day with a #BloodDonation.
Now I’m going home for a long sit down.
#donateblood #joinaunion #blooddonation #picket #universityofleeds
Today in Labor History February 2, 1938: Emma Tenayuca led a month-long strike at the Southern Pecan-Shelling Company in San Antonio, Texas. The workers were fighting against low wages and inhumane working conditions. Tenayuca first became interested in activism before graduating from High School and was first arrested at age 16, in 1933, when she joined a picket line against the Finck Cigar Company. She later founded two international ladies' garment workers unions, and was involved in the Woman's League for Peace and Freedom. She also organized a protest in response to the beating of Mexican migrants by US Border Patrol. She was arrested several times for her participation in strikes and other activism. 12,000 women, mostly Mexicana and Chicana, participated in the Pecan-Shelling strike. Police clubbed, gassed, arrested and jailed the women. The strike ended in October, with an arbitrated raise to 25 cents per hour.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #strike #picket #chicana #mexicana #policebrutality #immigration #borderpatrol #union #activism #student
#workingclass #LaborHistory #strike #picket #chicana #mexicana #policebrutality #immigration #borderpatrol #union #activism #student
A victory for one set of workers anywhere, is a victory for all. #Solidarity #SolidarityWithStrikingWorkers #Strike #Picket #NeverCrossAPicketLine
#solidarity #solidaritywithstrikingworkers #strike #picket #nevercrossapicketline
#Union #organizing Southern restaurant #workers holds first #strike
#picket #worker #union #organizing #workers #strike
Spending a couple of days in HQ and seeing kit starting to land in ready for the #picketLine. I’m really sorry our #NHS #workers have been forced to this, but this is the work that gets me out of bed in the mornings. If you can see a #picket line assembling, banners unfurling without so much as a tear in your eye… are we even the same species?
#picketline #nhs #workers #picket #solidarity #tradeunion #industrialaction
Nurses take part in a picket outside Tameside General Hospital, Ashton-under-Lyne on 18 January 2023. Strikes are set to continue tomorrow and during the first week in February #NursesStrike #picket #strike #ashton #tameside
#nursesstrike #picket #strike #ashton #tameside
Today in Labor History January 11, 1912: The Bread and Roses textile strike began in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The IWW organized and led this strike of 32,000 women and children after management slashed wages. A group of Polish women walked out after receiving their pay and realizing they’d been cheated. Others soon joined them. The strike lasted 10 weeks. Many sent their children to live with family, friends or supporters during the strike to protect them from the hunger and violence. Members of the Modern School took in many of these kids. During the strike, the cops kept arresting the women for loitering. So, they began to march as they protested. This was the first known use of the moving picket line. The strike was led by IWW organizers Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Big Bill Haywood, Joe Etter and Arturo Giovannitti. Hundreds were arrested, including Etter and Giovannitti, who were charged with murder. 3 workers died.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #IWW #breadandroses #immigrants #picket #bigbillhaywood #elizabethgurleyflynn #prison
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #IWW #breadandroses #immigrants #picket #bigbillhaywood #elizabethgurleyflynn #prison