I just watched Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959) and rated it 7/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickpocket_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #Pickpocket #RobertBresson
#robertbresson #pickpocket #cinemastodon #cinema #films
https://www.lovenba.com/1107195/ ATTENZIONE PICKPOCKET! #brooklynnets #AtlanticDivision #attenzione #BarclaysCenter #Basketball #BenSimmons #Brooklyn #BrooklynNets #CamJohnson #CamThomas #DavidDukeJr. #DAY'RONSHARPE #DorianFinney-Smith #EasternConference #EdmondSumner #italian #JacqueVaughn #JOEHARRIS #MikalBridges #NBA #Nets #NetsHighlights #NICCLAXTON #PATTYMILLS #pickpocket #RoyceOneale #SethCurry #SpencerDinwiddie #Sports #TjWarren #YutaWatanabe
#brooklynnets #atlanticdivision #attenzione #barclayscenter #basketball #bensimmons #brooklyn #camjohnson #camthomas #daviddukejr #day #dorianfinney #easternconference #edmondsumner #italian #jacquevaughn #joeharris #mikalbridges #nba #nets #netshighlights #nicclaxton #pattymills #pickpocket #royceoneale #sethcurry #spencerdinwiddie #sports #tjwarren #yutawatanabe
Today's poem:
Pickpocket, Naples
- by Angela Leighton
#poetry #AngelaLeighton #naples #pickpocket #theft #inspiration #exchange #gift #grace
#poetry #angelaleighton #naples #pickpocket #theft #inspiration #exchange #gift #grace
Hey @groupeSNCF, if you don't want people to leave their bags "unattended anywhere on the train" maybe you shouldn't have built your #TGV in a way that forces travellers to literally store their bags on the other side of the carriage. #TrainBubble #SNCF #railways #pickpocket
#tgv #trainbubble #SNCF #railways #pickpocket
following #cinemastodon hashtag brought me today’s surprise movie watch, “Pickpocket”, a brilliant character study by Robert Bresson.
#frenchcinema #pickpocket #robertbresson #cinemastodon
போலீசாரிடமே #பிக்பாக்கெட்… கையும் களவுமாக சிக்கிய #பாஜக -வினர் https://patrikai.com/bjp-worker-caught-red-handed-while-pick-pocketing-a-policemen/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#pickpocket #BJP #Salem @annamalai_k@twitter.com @slmdhanapal@twitter.com @SamJabez_k@twitter.com @apmbjp@twitter.com
#salem #bjp #pickpocket #பாஜக #பிக்பாக்கெட்