yes, definitely. But in this case I was interested in #picolisp, because some of the constructs made me think of perl. e.g.
Defining of functions: "Variable number of evaluated arguments". With the @ sign and the (next) function.
In any case, I immediately feel at home in picolisp.
40 days left to the submission deadline of #EuropeanLispSymposium (#ELSConf) in #Amsterdam:
🧷 (Friendica) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/!gqlYAZsfzSnmFNEHAT:magdeburg.jetzt/$z7kGECRQluF1iZzNhW-0I1e3lUmg-pff8PcAh96gox4
🦎 (Telegram) https://telegram.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #Clojure #Racket #Emacs #ACL2 #AutoLisp # ISLisp #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #InterLisp #Medley #OpenGenera #Symbolics #ThinkingMachines #ConnectionMachine #MultiLisp #AMOP #CLOS #SICP #PAIP #AIMA #Lambda #CLtL2 #HTDP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #ELSCONF #amsterdam #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #clojure #racket #emacs #acl2 #autolisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #interlisp #medley #opengenera #symbolics #thinkingmachines #connectionmachine #multilisp #AMOP #clos #sicp #paip #AIMA #lambda #cltl2 #htdp
While looking into how viable it is to write Android applications in something else than Java, Kotlin or <insert web technology>, I've found a neat #picolisp blog explaining Pilbox and adjacent topics:
On #Friendica and #Telegram:
›Call for Papers — 16th European #Lisp Symposium — #ELSConf —#Amsterdam — 2023-04-24/25‹
🔗 Friendica: https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 Telegram: https://t.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #CommonLisp #Scheme #EmacsLisp #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #Jank #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #FunctionalProgramming #AMOP #SICP #CLOS #PAIP #CLtL2 #AIMA #Emacs #VIM #LispWorks #AllegroCommonLisp #ACL #CLISP #SBCL #MetaObject #MetaObjectSystem
#friendica #telegram #lisp #ELSCONF #amsterdam #commonlisp #scheme #emacslisp #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #jank #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #functionalprogramming #AMOP #sicp #clos #paip #cltl2 #AIMA #emacs #vim #lispworks #allegrocommonlisp #acl #clisp #sbcl #metaobject #metaobjectsystem
I've had a blast playing with #picolisp the last few days. It's like the Ariel Atom of programming languages.
16th #EuropeanLispSymposium
— #CallForPapers —
The #ELS invites high quality papers about novel research results, insights and lessons learned from practical applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
#Lisp #CommonLisp #Scheme #Emacs #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #Dylan #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #MOP #CLOS #CfP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #callforpapers #els #lisp #commonlisp #scheme #emacs #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylan #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #mop #clos #cfp
16th #EuropeanLispSymposium
— #CallForPapers —
🔭 Scope 🔭
The European Lisp Symposium is a premier forum for the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design, implementation and application of any of the Lisp dialects, including #CommonLisp, #Scheme, #Emacs #Lisp, #Clojure, #Racket, #ACL2, #AutoLisp, #ISLISP, #Dylan, #SKILL, #Hy, #Shen, #Carp, #Janet, #uLisp, #Picolisp, #Gamelisp, #TXR, and so on.
We encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate!
#EuropeanLispSymposium #callforpapers #commonlisp #scheme #emacs #lisp #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylan #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #mop #clos #metaobjectsystem
16th #EuropeanLispSymposium
— #CallForPapers —
April 24-25, 2023
Startup Village, #Amsterdam (NL)
➡️ https://www.european-lisp-symposium.org/2023
📅 Important Dates 📅
➡️ 2023-02-26 — Submission deadline
➡️ 2023-03-26 — Author notification
➡️ 2023-04-09 — Final Papers Due
➡️ 2023-04-24 — Day 1, Monday
➡️ 2023-04-25 — Day 2, Tuesday
#ELS #Lisp #CommonLisp #Scheme #Emacs #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #Dylan #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #MOP #CLOS #CfP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #callforpapers #amsterdam #els #lisp #commonlisp #scheme #emacs #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylan #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #mop #clos #cfp
This thing is so awesomely minimalistic and hardcore. "An assembly language for the 21st century." I hope I am able learn it.
#programming #picolisp
PicoLisp Wiki: home https://picolisp.com/wiki/?home
A fun evening spent learning about #picolisp. Many things about this one "click" for me in a way that lisps usually don't. Maybe I just have a soft spot for REPLs that can easily segfault :)
Calling all Lispers of all dialects: that time of the year has finally come again! 🤩
On Monday and Tuesday join the European Lisp Symposium for two days of fun, learning, and inspiration. 🤓
The programme: https://www.european-lisp-symposium.org/2022/index.html#programme
Sadly this is another year I cannot join in-person, but thankfully it will be also online.
Do join us!
#lisp #racket #elisp #commonlisp #scheme #dylanlang #ACL2 #clojure #picolisp
--- There will even be a bit of #APL (embedded in Common Lisp). ❤️
#lisp #racket #elisp #commonlisp #scheme #dylanlang #acl2 #clojure #picolisp #apl
Enumerated Trees in #PicoLisp
Released mini-chess as CLI, Web and as a #PilBox App. https://software-lab.de/chess/README https://software-lab.de/chess.tgz #PicoLisp #Lisp
Next #PicoLisp meeting (PilCon) is tomorrow, at 16:00 UTC.
As ever, on https://meeting.itship.ch/PilCon
As discussed, this will be the last one on a Friday.The following ones will be
* Sat 05dec20 8:00 UTC
* Sat 19dec20 16:00 UTC
I wrote up some guidelines for namespaces in #PicoLisp https://www.mail-archive.com/picolisp@software-lab.de/msg08502.html
Fixed @bin/ssl in #PicoLisp 18.4.1 - I was not aware that SSL_get_verify_result() doesn't automatically validate the cert hostname, making it vulnerable to man-in-the middle attacks