@LoganFive #Picotechnology is not hypothetical. The subatomic structural elements are measurable (with high resolution X-ray diffraction) and accurately modeled with standard #QuantumChemistry software. It is its application to controlling #chemistry that is still in the future. Not too distant, I hope 🤞!
Fun podcast here 👉 https://www.findinggeniuspodcast.com/podcasts/exploring-quantum-chemistry/
#picotechnology #quantumchemistry #chemistry
@LoganFive ⬆️
I’m near the bar, passionately telling interested people what #picotechnology is!
A cyclo-alkyl bromide tripping on solid acid.
#MoleculeMonday #Zeolites #picotechnology #Catalysis #Chemistry #Chemiverse #Mastochem
#moleculemonday #zeolites #picotechnology #catalysis #chemistry #chemiverse #mastochem
Exploring #QuantumChemistry ; “What is #picotechnology ?” 👉 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SsU40uz1loo
#quantumchemistry #picotechnology #mastochem #chemiverse #chemistry
“Finding Genius Podcast: Exploring #QuantumChemistry - What is ‘#Picotechnology ?’”
#Chemiverse #Mastochem #StructureOfMatter #Chemistry #Science
Listen and find out 👉 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exploring-quantum-chemistry-what-is-picotechnology/id1169016854?i=1000605345950
#quantumchemistry #picotechnology #chemiverse #mastochem #structureofmatter #chemistry #Science
The latest episode of Richard Jacobs’ ‘#FindingGeniusPodcast ‘ is out 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/finding-genius-podcast_finding-genius-podcast-on-apple-podcasts-activity-7044539238213660672-0mm0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
What is #picotechnology ? Listen and find out!
#chemistry #quantumchemistry #mastochem
#findinggeniuspodcast #picotechnology #chemistry #quantumchemistry #mastochem
@virginiaheffernan @chaircrusher ⬆️
Etching is etching, and that is what #picotechnology is all about!
Here’s the cobalt ion ⬇️ at the heart of #vitaminB12 discussed in the #Nature essay ⬆️, where the ‘blue trumpets’ (‘holes’ in the charge cloud) reveal that the atom has been ‘etched’ by quantum forces in a way that will make chemists think about ‘empty d-orbitals’. ✅
#picotechnology #vitaminb12 #nature
@chaircrusher @virginiaheffernan
True, chemists do not ‘etch’ atoms.
Quantum forces do! 👉 https://www.nature.com/articles/35088116
@selzero ⬆️
Graphite and diamond ARE both made from the same atoms (carbon), but they are not the “exact same”. The carbon atoms in graphite and diamond (and fullerenes) differ at the picometer scale. This is the basis of #picotechnology 👉 https://www.morressier.com/o/event/5e733c5acde2b641284a7e27/article/5e73d6ce139645f83c22b095
@mariapopova ⬆️
After giving a research seminar on “What is #picotechnology ?” at the University of Vienna, I had coffee at the Arkade. ⬇️
I asked the barista if she knew who her stone cold colleague was. She had no idea, but the coffee was excellent!
What is #picotechnology ? ⬇️ 👀
Here's vitamin B12 rendered in the age of #picotechnology.