Okay! I got my new “picotouch_grid” controller to be MUCH more responsive by using the #RaspberryPiPico’s PIO blocks to do touch sensing on the much higher-capacitance rows. It’s playable now! Columns are still using #CircutPython’s wonderful “touchio” library #rp2040 #MIDIController #PicoTouch
#RaspberryPiPico #circutpython #rp2040 #midicontroller #picotouch
I turned my #PicoTouch into a MIDI slider bank! In honor of getting more boards, my #RaspberryPiPico-powered #MIDIController has a new #CircuitPython sketch that makes it a bank of three sliders. Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Psw3PLqYS8
and the code: https://github.com/todbot/picotouch/blob/main/circuitpython/picotouch_midislider/code.py
Oh! and the #tindie link to get one if you like this idea: https://www.tindie.com/products/29236/
#picotouch #RaspberryPiPico #midicontroller #circuitpython #tindie
For anyone wondering how to solder a #RaspberryPiPico to their #PicoTouch #midi controller board, here's a quick video showing how I do it. Even if you have little soldering experience, it should be pretty quick. In the video, I don't even align the Pico very well (camera in the way) and it still came out working great!
Repo updated w/ this vid too: https://github.com/todbot/picotouch
#RaspberryPiPico #picotouch #midi
Lotsa #PicoTouch and #MacroPadSynthPlug orders sent out today! Thanks everyone who ordered! And thanks @hackster_io & @tindie for the posts bump! #tindie
#picotouch #macropadsynthplug #tindie