#Earthquake M3.4 strikes 33 km N of #Picton (New Zealand) 3 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1544392
#Earthquake M3.5 strikes 33 km N of #Picton (New Zealand) 8 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1529834
_The Evening Post_, 20 June 1923:
Two whales entered Picton Harbour during Tuesday night. They were sighted heading towards Picton, and an exciting chase ensued, the result of which was that both were killed by the Pirano whaling party.
#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #NewZealand #Whaling #Picton
#onthisday #otd #paperspast #newzealand #whaling #picton
If you're planning to travel by #ferry across the Cook Strait - from the North Island to the South Island or vice versa - in the next few weeks, make sure to check with the ferry companies if tickets are available.
👉 Bluebridge https://spaceship.nz/Bluebridge
👉 Interislander https://spaceship.nz/Interislander
#NewZealand #NieuwZeeland #Neuseeland #Wellington #Picton #NorthIsland #Southisland
#ferry #newzealand #nieuwzeeland #neuseeland #wellington #picton #northisland #southisland
If you're planning to #travel by #ferry across the Cook Strait - from the North Island to the South Island or vice versa - in the next few weeks, make sure to check with the ferry companies if tickets are available.
👉 Bluebridge https://spaceship.nz/Bluebridge
👉 Interislander https://spaceship.nz/Interislander
#NewZealand #NieuwZeeland #Neuseeland #NZ #Wellington #Picton
#travel #ferry #newzealand #nieuwzeeland #neuseeland #nz #wellington #picton
#Earthquake M3.3 strikes 81 km NW of #Picton (New Zealand) 4 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1222279
Can we talk about why in all the name of all things good the NSW town of Picton is named after a colonial torturer of slaves on the other side of the globe?
#colonialism #slaves #picton #history #thomaspicton
Alleged serial killer went to Winnipeg homeless shelters 'looking for the absolute most vulnerable': friend
This is an all too common tactic to facilitate predatory violence. I recall Robert Picton, convicted BC serial killer, callously remarking that his victims, not cared for in life, would not be missed in death.
A pressing need to protect and support the most vulnerable in society.