@matratype @nicksherman I have some spreads in my book, Hand-Painted Signs of Kratie, that are very similar to those arrays.
(Kratie is a provincial capital in north-east Cambodia, located on the Mekong river.)
There is a free download of the ebook available here: https://ghostsigns.co.uk/kratie. That page also has a Khmer translation of the full text.
#kratie #cambodia #signs #signpainting #signwriting #pictorial #illustration
#kratie #cambodia #signs #signpainting #signwriting #pictorial #illustration
@nicksherman @matratype I'll add these pictorials from painted shopfronts in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.
Some of the full fascias are on this page: https://bl.ag/painted-signs-in-vietnam/
#signpainting #machinery #pictorial #illustration #shopfront #Vietnam #MekongDelta
#signpainting #machinery #pictorial #illustration #shopfront #vietnam #mekongdelta
Day 8
From 1992 - The Painted Lady wall hanging.
An early quilt of mine - playing with laces as embellishments. 🥰😍❤️
Teaching my pictorial technique began, after I made a few pictorial quilts like this. 😊
#artadventcalendar #quilting #sewing #pictorial
Dear Deer
coloring book
line art collection
Over 60 line art illustration and decorative drawings and motifs with the subject of deer, gazelle, and some antelopes.
Line artworks for coloring by children and also for their parents!
Thanks for your purchase!
(Full color version also will be available in future)
#book #publishing #line_art #coloring #illustration #miniature #deer #antlope #love #fine_art #arabesque #nature #animal #plants #wave #swirl #happiness #pictorial
#wave #line_art #illustration #antlope #love #publishing #book #happiness #pictorial #coloring #miniature #deer #fine_art #arabesque #nature #animal #plants #swirl