There is a new prompt up on #revelations
This time it is a pitcure. Let it inspire you however works for you.The linky tool is open for two weeks
#writingprompt #pictureprompt #blogging #sexblogging #revelations
"I told you that spell wouldn't work, Eddie. Now look at us!"
"Hey, you said you wanted horns, and I got you horns, didn't I?" #picturePrompt #writersOfMastodon
#pictureprompt #writersofmastodon
My own wee response:
'Don't look, Brian. They only want your attention.'
'But Gerald, they might have food.'
'There's food right here. All the grass you could ever eat!'
A few seconds pass.
'Gerald, they've got carrots…'
Gerald jumps to his hooves with a bleat. 'Carrots?? Why didn't you say? '
#writing #flashfiction #haiku #poetry #picturePrompt #writersOfMastodon
#50wordfridays #prompt
#prompt #50wordfridays #writersofmastodon #pictureprompt #poetry #haiku #flashfiction #writing
My work does a weekly #50wordfridays #prompt and this is today's one.
#writing #flashfiction #haiku #poetry #picturePrompt #writersOfMastodon
#writersofmastodon #pictureprompt #poetry #haiku #flashfiction #writing #prompt #50wordfridays
Creeping time smothers
The past under grass and moss
Memento Mori
Do our memories
Vanish and fade to silence
Or do ghosts survive
#pictureprompt #poetry #writing #haiku #flashfiction
Creeping time smothers
The past under grass and moss
Memento Mori
#haiku #pictureprompt #prompt #graveyard #poetry #smallpoem
Prompt from Dumfries and Galloway Libraries on #facebook
#facebook #smallpoem #poetry #graveyard #prompt #pictureprompt #haiku
Going back a wee bit further.
I find one of my favourite #writing practices is to use #pictureprompt for #haiku. Last October I took part in #Scotstober as a means of pushing my writing forward a bit. #Scots is a #language I have been immersed in since birth, and one I love to express myself in.
#writing #writersOfMastodon #shortpoem #blog
#blog #shortpoem #writersofmastodon #language #scots #Scotstober #haiku #pictureprompt #writing
Water has risen
Above the settled Loch bed
Claiming path and park
#haiku #writing #writingprompt #prompt #flashfiction #shortpoem #pictureprompt
#pictureprompt #shortpoem #flashfiction #prompt #writingprompt #writing #haiku
Hello people on Mastodon. Have a wonderful and creative start of the week. Get your creativity going with this #pictureprompt. Write a short poem (haiku, cinquain, tritriplicata etc) inspired by this photo.
#poetry #creativity #creativeconfidence #prompt #writingcommunity
#pictureprompt #poetry #creativity #creativeconfidence #prompt #writingcommunity