Project 3) "Trying to motivate" reading, I'll use the #PicturePromptBingo #2023 to give me as much flexibility in choices. My #BookPile needs to get a small dent (at least). 😂 Picture Prompt bingo card a loosey-goosey#ReadingChallenge in which you match books that you’ve read to one of the pictures on the bingo card. The key thing is that you be as #creative in your #interpretation of the picture as you like. #BookChoice #Book #Prompt
#prompt #book #bookchoice #interpretation #creative #bookpile #picturepromptbingo
Project 3) "Trying to motivate" reading, I'll use the #PicturePromptBingo #2023 to give me as much flexibility in choices. My #BookPile needs to get a small dent (at least). 😂 Picture Prompt bingo card a loosey-goosey#RreadingChallenge in which you match books that you’ve read to one of the pictures on the bingo card. The key thing is that you be as #creative in your #interpretation of the picture as you like. #BookChoice #Book
#book #bookchoice #interpretation #creative #bookpile #picturepromptbingo
Review of #JoNesbø's Midnight Sun / Mere Blood for's #NordicFINDS23 and's #PicturePromptBingo
More blood? #NordicFINDS23
#picturepromptbingo #nordicfinds23 #jonesbo