along with being deaf/hard of hearing, I have some #SpeechImpairment #SpeechImpediment as well as #SelectiveMutism plus #Dyslexia.
this affects pretty much every aspect of my life.
I went through #SpeechTherapy for all of primary/secondary school, but verbal speech is still always a conscious effort. good days you can't tell I have problems; bad days? I'm nigh unintelligible.
I use #AAC on my phone as well as #AmericanSignLanguage and #PidginSignedEnglish. #Introduction
#speechimpairment #speechimpediment #selectivemutism #dyslexia #speechtherapy #aac #americansignlanguage #pidginsignedenglish #introduction
along with being deaf/hard of hearing, I have some #SpeechImpairment #SpeechImpediment as well as #SelectiveMutism plus #Dyslexia.
this affects pretty much every aspect of my life.
I went through #SpeechTherapy throughout all of primary/secondary school, but verbal speech is still always a conscious effort. good days you can't tell I have problems; bad days? I'm nigh unintelligible.
I use #AAC on my phone as well as #AmericanSignLanguage and #PidginSignedEnglish. #Introduction
#speechimpairment #speechimpediment #selectivemutism #dyslexia #speechtherapy #aac #americansignlanguage #pidginsignedenglish #introduction