#ThrowbackThursday, I had fun putting together the #PiDP11 kit and playing some #ColossalCaveAdventure. I would like to hook up my #VT510. Not period correct, it's what I have on hand. For now it sits behind my desk with its beautiful #BlinkenLights.
#throwbackthursday #pidp11 #colossalcaveadventure #vt510 #blinkenlights
i completed the assembly of the PiDP-11 kit. but one fiddly bit was the 5 screws mounting the main pcb to the hex standoffs, which used a nut as a spacer. so i printed a few spacers which eliminated the need for the extra nuts. #FreeCAD #3dprinting #pidp11
the thirty switches are soldered in, aligned with help from the switch fixer jig. i wanted the switch bases to be flat against the pcb, but the pins have epoxy blobs which prevents that.
might install the i2c header and max232s before final assembly in the enclosure.
the Pi3 is booting up to the pdp-11 simulator!
#pidp11 #pdp11 #soldering #blinkenlights
#pidp11 #pdp11 #soldering #blinkenlights
made some progress on the PiDP-11 kit from Obsolescence Guaranteed, LEDs and rotary switches are working with the Raspberry pi. Next up the toggle switches! time check: middle of Chapter 3 Spacewar in Hackers (S. Levy)
#pidp11 #pdp11 #retrocomputering
#pidp11 #pdp11 #retrocomputering
Blinkenlights in effect. Now to learn how to use this thing!
Meet Sprout, the new release of #GenBerry with:
- templates for: #pidp8i #pidp11 and #octoprint
- use qemu
- change root default pw
- add user
#GenBerry #pidp8i #pidp11 #octoprint #gentoo
Some big improvements on #GenBerry. Now you can use qemu to create very specific #gentoo images for the #raspberrypi familly. This allow me to introduce a template system in it. As an example, i made a #pidp11 template.
The wiki: https://github.com/dervishe-/GenBerry/wiki
#GenBerry #gentoo #raspberrypi #pidp11
I discover this website digging around the #pidp11 and it is awesome, what a work ! 😍
Oh !!! Look what arrived today in the mailbox... My #Pidp11
I'm si excités 😈🤩
I guess I should actually do one of those #introduction type toots now that I've found my new fediverse home. I used to be @MatStace@octodon.social in case you want to check out the sorts of nonsense I toot about.
#London UK based human-shaped computerist (he/him), by day I pay the bills by turning things off and on again (these days redeploying containers and removing old ones), by night I do more computery things, play with the likes of docker/kubernetes/other #homelab type things
I'm also mess around with various #electronics and #amateurradio things, and have recently started messing around with #homeautomation using #homeassistant, and assembling my stash of #retrocomputer kits (#altairduino, #rc2014, #pidp8 and #pidp11 )
Watcher of too much tv, reader of not enough books, listener of a reaosnable number of podcasts, lefty, poly, bi, considers the letters SJW a compliment not an insult, happy to use my white-cis-male-privilege to act the snowflake and do my best to call people out when they deserve it.
#introduction #london #homelab #electronics #amateurradio #homeautomation #homeassistant #retrocomputer #altairduino #rc2014 #pidp8 #pidp11