The above paper is essential a sequal to this one, presented yesterday.
Modelling research output expressions : metadata #schema modelling of publication lifecycles and scholarly entities #discovery #PIDs #PersistentIdentifiers #repositories #DigitalLibraries #OpenResearch/strath.00085166
#schema #discovery #pids #persistentidentifiers #repositories #digitallibraries #openresearch
Just presented this paper as part of 'Re-discovery', the #cilipmdg23 conference. All materials available at the DOI below.
Authority of assertion in repository contributions to the PID graph
#discovery #PIDs #PersistentIdentifiers #repositories #DigitalLibraries #OpenResearch
#cilipmdg23 #discovery #pids #persistentidentifiers #repositories #digitallibraries #openresearch
Heading to the 'Re-Discovery': Metadata & #Discovery Group Conference in Birmingham next week. Looking forward to Brum! Presenting two papers:
Modelling research output expressions : #metadata #schema modelling of publication lifecycles and #scholarly entities
Authority of assertion in #repository contributions to the #PID graph
I'll throw the slides up at these locations too, once I have actually created them. 😀 #PIDs #PersistentIdentifiers
#discovery #metadata #schema #scholarly #repository #pid #pids #persistentidentifiers
I knew an identifier that struggled for years. People enjoyed working with it. It had great metadata like a title, authors…even a type. But it had never gotten a date. But finally one day, it did? And you want to know why? Because it was persistent.
#persistentidentifiers #pids #pidjokes
Persistent identifiers have it tough. Even when they have nothing to show, the show must go on.
#persistentidentifiers #pids #pidjokes
Persistent identifiers have it tough. Even when they have nothing to show, the show must go on.
It's great to see the alignment with #FAIR within the @gtn @galaxyproject project!
I'm wondering if there might be scope for you to integrate with the @fairsharing API to link those standards, databases or policies described within your training material to the #DOIs of FAIRsharing's records? Many third-party tools already use our API in this way, to provide #PIDs for such resources. Attached are just a few examples.
Delivered a sesh this morning alongside colleagues from Cambridge about #DOI minting on #repositories, with a particular focus on DOIs for #PlanS as well as within repository/CRIS software ecosystems. Slides below! 😀
#PIDs and #repositories : experiences and practical issues implementing DOIs for content - perspectives from the University of #Strathclyde (Strathprints)
PIDs and Repositories: Experiences of implementing DOIs at #Cambridge
#doi #repositories #plans #pids #strathclyde #cambridge
#ORCID is shifting from #RINGGOLD to #ROR as IDs for a scholar's institutional affiliation.
PS: I support this move. It will help establish ROR as the #standard for institutional affiliation. RINGGOLD IDs are #proprietary and ROR IDs are in the #PublicDomain under #CC0.
#pids #metadata #cc0 #publicdomain #proprietary #standard #ror #ringgold #ORCID
@NFDI @AntoniaS @HelmholtzOpenScienceOffice
I like the 10 use cases for #PIDs #NFDIrocks
One challenge posed by taxonomic databases is the use of “micro citations” rather than full bibliographic records, which makes it hard to link species names to DOIs and other #PIDs. I’ve built a series of tools to tackle this Here’s a screenshot of a record from a database managed by @dhobern converted to DOI #babysteps
My preprint "Ten years and a million links: building a global taxonomic library connecting persistent identifiers for names, publications and people” is now out on @biorxivpreprint This summarises a decade or so's work linking taxonomic names to original publications via persistent identifiers #PIDs such as LSIDs and DOIs.
> If you work in the technical or operational teams of a #CulturalHeritage institution, and know how your institution manages #identifiers for digitised objects, or if you are running an #aggregation service, we invite you to take approximately 15 minutes to answer our survey. Please also share it with other colleagues that are most involved in this work.
#culturalheritage #identifiers #aggregation #persistentidentifiers #pids
Four years of ROR:
@amandafrench says ROR is a research persistent identifier (PID), like DOI and ORCID.
ROR gives cleaner info on orgs, easy to exchange, e.g., records multiple names and acronyms for the same place.
Has a public API and governance, community curation.
Assigning PIDs throughout a publication of research data today shouldn’t be as remarkable as assigning exact house numbers throughout urban Vienna was in 1770.
@jakkbl and I are giving a code4lib afternoon workshop March 14 @ Princeton: "Up and running with ARK persistable identifiers".
ARKs (Archival Resource Keys, @arks_org) can serve as stable, trusted refs for information objects (#404sNoMore).
For >2 decades, >8 billion ARKs have been created by >1k orgs — libraries, data centers, archives, museums, publishers, govt agencies, etc.
Why ARKs? How to get started? All are welcome.
#404snomore #code4lib #persistentidentifiers #pids
I recently co-authored a blog on the Biodiversity Heritage Library's efforts to round trip persistent identifiers via Wikidata. You can see it here #BiodiversityHeritageLibrary #Wikidata #PIDs
#BiodiversityHeritageLibrary #wikidata #pids
#LHC physicists resolve stalemate over Russian authors
👉 Agreement on how to list scientists at Russian organizations on #research papers will help to clear #journals' backlog.
#publishing #physics #CERN #affiliation #ORCID #PIDs #identifiers #Russia #StandWithUkraine
#lhc #research #journals #publishing #physics #cern #affiliation #orcid #pids #identifiers #russia #StandWithUkraine
We've extended the deadline for giving feedback on our proposal for major changes to the ROR metadata schema. Take a look at our extensive proposal on changes to name, location, domain, and external ID fields in ROR and comment by February 12.
#openscience #metadata #pids #scholcomm