O terrible lords of the deepest south, I come before you with my final summer offering: another Florida Sour Orange Pie.
May its powerful citrus flavoring comfort you in the waning days of seasonal delight.
#pieforthepiegods #pie #baking
O bleak lords of waning summer nights, I come before you with my latest offering: an Oregon Blackberry Pie.
May this confection, made with the most terrifying of seasonal berries, be worthy of your dread gaze.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O darkest lords of baked delight, I come before you with my latest offering: a Ginger Cherry Pie with pecan streusel topping.
May this unholy combination of recipes be worthy of your approval.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O blazing lords of summer heat, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Lemon Icebox Pie.
May this cooling confection of custard and lemon be worthy of your gaze.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O dread lords of the accursed state, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Florida Sour Orange Pie.
May this unusual combination of orange and lemon juices and animal crackers be worthy of your approval.
#pieforthepiegods #pie #baking
O terrible, tentacled lords of the outermost banks, I come before you with my latest offering: the North Carolina Lemon Pie.
May this unholy concoction of sweet and salty be worthy of your approval.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O gloriously bloody lords of the sugared battlefields, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Strawberry Pie.
May this simple delight of sweetest fruit be worthy of your approval.
#pieforthepiegods #pie #baking
O darkest lords of sweet filling, I return today with my latest offering: a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie.
May this, the greatest of all pies, be worthy of your approval.
#pieforthepiegods #baking #pie
O most forgiving lords of summer delight, my busy schedule has kept me from your service for too long.
It is with the greatest humility that return today with a new offering: Key Lime Pie.
May this, among the greatest of all baked goods, be worthy of your approval and grace.
#pieforthepiegods #baking #pie
O darkest lords of regional bakery, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Virginia Peanut Pie.
May this Appalachian delight be worthy of your approval.
#pieforthepiegods #baking #pie
O squamous lords of the southern states, I come before you today with my latest offering: the Buttermilk Pie.
May this regional concoction of custard be worthy of your approval.
#baking #pieforthepiegods #pie
O hideous lords of darkest memory, I come before you today with my latest offering: the Marlborough Apple Pie.
May this antebellum recipe, with its unholy combination of apple and custard, conjure memories of glorious victories from days of yore.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O brightest and most confusing lords of late winter darkness, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Rhubarb Pie with Hazelnut, Almond and Brown Butter Streusel Topping.
May this blasphemously unseasonal treat be worthy of your approval.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O dark and beautiful lords of bakery, I come before you today with an unusual offering: Banana-Caramel Pie in a Jar.
May these tiny, unholy cups of delight be worthy of your dread gaze.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
Verdict on the grasshopper pie: out-frikkin-standing. I was a little worried the crust would collapse, but being in the fridge all day really firmed it up. And the filling was deeeeelicious.
15000000000/10. This is excellent pie.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O terrible lords of the baked darkness, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Grasshopper Pie.
May this terrifying combination of chocolate and mint be worthy of your approval.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O terrible lords of baked delight, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Lemon Tart.
May its citrusy goodness be worthy of your dread gaze.
O blackest of the dark lords of baked delight, I come before you today with my latest offering: a Blackberry Chai Pie with Pecan Streusel Topping.
May this unusual combination of flavors be worthy of your approval.
#pie #baking #pieforthepiegods
O lords of celebration and debauchery, I come before you with my final offering of 2022: the Holiday Eggnog Custard Pie.
May this decadent concoction of custard, bourbon, cinnamon, and rum be worthy of your approval.
#eggnog #pieforthepiegods #pie #baking
O blood red lords of baked terror, I come before you today with my latest offering: the Apple-Cranberry Pie.
May this discordant combination of sweet and tart flavors be worthy of your approval.
#pieforthepiegods #baking #pie