Unsere #Pieris (ich weiss nicht mehr, welche es ist). Früh im Jahr blüht sie wunderschön, und dann kommen diese süßen, niedlichen jungen Triebe, ich finde ein ganzjährig grüner Hingucker!
Although the loropetalum was a bit of an early mistake, it's a little workhorse filling it's role in this arrangement, and helping to anchor the reds of the heuchera. Am pretty happy with the composition from this angle.
#landscape #landscapedesign #plants #heuchera #anemone #pieris #loropetalum #dustymiller
#dustymiller #loropetalum #pieris #anemone #heuchera #Plants #landscapedesign #Landscape
Playing Around
All images taken using a 50 year old Nikkor 50mm Enlarger Lens reversed mounted with a 12mm Extension tube
#photo #photography #EnlargerLens #nikkor #ReversedMounted #flowers #hawkbit #pieris #insect #ladybug #CanonSL2
#CanonSL2 #ladybug #insect #pieris #hawkbit #flowers #ReversedMounted #nikkor #EnlargerLens #photography #photo