RT @art_pfrancesca@twitter.com
Polyptych of the Misericordia, 1462 #earlyrenaissance #pierodellafrancesca https://www.wikiart.org/en/piero-della-francesca/polyptych-of-the-misericordia-1462
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/art_pfrancesca/status/1607423354020962306
#earlyrenaissance #pierodellafrancesca
Heeft de National Gallery in London een schilderij van Piero della Francesca om zeep geholpen?
Jonathan Jones van The Guardian denkt alvast van wel: The restoration of this treasure took three years. So why do the shepherds look so gormless? Is the curly-haired one at a school disco – and is the other trying to remember where he parked the donkey?
#NationalGallery #PierodellaFrancesca #restauratie #mislukt #Nativity
#nationalgallery #pierodellafrancesca #restauratie #mislukt #nativity
“Let us now go even unto Bethlehem [in the @NationalGallery] and see this thing which is come to pass.”
And not judge until we have.
#Christmas #PieroDellaFrancesca #Nativity
#nativity #pierodellafrancesca #christmas
New stack! Shout out to @seeshespeak for her book What a Library Means to a Woman about Edith Wharton’s collection, sitting in ok company — The Years by Ernaux (!), Dechirico Italian poems, and a big old pile of Pieros. #pierodellafrancesca #annieernaux #dechirico
#pierodellafrancesca #annieernaux #dechirico
Oh, hashtags! #pierodellafrancesca #ozu #williamjames #Books #Poe #SimoneWeil #emilydickinson #Rilke #Euripides #ShirleyJackson #mahler #schumann #yes #VladimirNabokov #Borges #Kafka #WGSebald #Camus #Homer #Aesop #ThomasHardy #charlesdarwin #Kobayashi #Kurosawa #Dostoyevsky #Poussin #Fantin-Latour #Tal #Wittgenstein #JeanJacquesRousseau #JeTsongkhapa #klimt #MinaLoy
#pierodellafrancesca #ozu #williamjames #Books #Poe #simoneweil #emilydickinson #Rilke #euripides #ShirleyJackson #mahler #schumann #yes #vladimirnabokov #borges #kafka #wgsebald #Camus #Homer #aesop #thomashardy #charlesdarwin #kobayashi #kurosawa #dostoyevsky #poussin #fantin #tal #wittgenstein #jeanjacquesrousseau #jetsongkhapa #klimt #minaloy
Terminé ce très beau livre de Franck Mercier sur Piero della Francesca.
Comment interpréter ces tableaux ? Par l'iconographie ? Par le contexte et les sources archivistiques ? Sans nier l'intérêt de ces approches, l'auteur propose une réflexion géométrique appuyée sur la théologie et les traités théoriques.
#histodon #renaissance #pierodellafrancesca #histoiredelart #peinture
#histodon #Renaissance #pierodellafrancesca #histoiredelart #peinture
RT @art_pfrancesca
St. Augustine, 1454 #earlyrenaissance #pierodellafrancesca
#pierodellafrancesca #earlyrenaissance