77 years ago:
Land Without Stars (FR)
Original title: Le pays sans étoiles
Simon's life is troubled by images of a crime which happened in his family a hundred years ago. While traveling in south France, he finds the landscape familiar. That's when he meets Catherine and falls in love. But her lover comes back and his strong personality attracts her again.
#LandWithoutStars #PierreBrasseur #ClassicMovies
#landwithoutstars #pierrebrasseur #classicmovies
62 years ago:
Spotlight on a Murderer (FR)
Original title: Pleins feux sur l'assassin
An old count hides just before he dies to annoy his heirs. The heirs search a manor for the count's body and are killed off one by one. Jean-Marie, his fiancée Micheline, and Edwige investigate the deaths and search for the count's body.
#SpotlightonaMurderer #PierreBrasseur #PascaleAudret #MarianneKoch #Movies
#spotlightonamurderer #pierrebrasseur #pascaleaudret #mariannekoch #movies
64 years ago:
Head Against the Wall (FR)
Original title: La tête contre les murs
An aimless young man is committed to a psychiatric hospital by his father in an attempt to cure him of his delinquent tendencies.
#HeadAgainsttheWall #AnoukAimée #PierreBrasseur #Movies
#headagainstthewall #anoukaimee #pierrebrasseur #movies
78 years ago:
Children of Paradise (FR)
Original title: Les Enfants du Paradis
Nathalie falls for Baptiste Debureau, a mime. But his heart is set on Garance, who is also coveted by Frederick Lemaitre and the Count of Montray.
#ChildrenofParadise #PierreBrasseur #MaríaCasares #Film
#childrenofparadise #pierrebrasseur #mariacasares #film