Is it true that #PierrePoilevre thinks our prime minister's underage daughter looks like a prostitute?
Or is it just his #ConservativePartyOfCanada's vocal and classy supporters who are experts on $20 prostitutes?
#pierrepoilevre #conservativepartyofcanada #canada #cdnpoli #markslapiniski
Canadian cons: Lets sell Canada's building in London, England for a few short term bucks.
Also Canadian cons: OMG the non-con prime minister spent money for accommodations in London, England during an official state visit!!!! (NOTE: The cons would be silent if it was a con PM)
#cdnpoli #canpoli #Canada #PierrePoilevre #ConservativePartyOfCanada #CPC
#cdnpoli #canpoli #canada #pierrepoilevre #conservativepartyofcanada #cpc
Since #PierrePoilevre and the #ConservativeParytofCanada are unable to prove Pierre's encounter with "Mustafa" from Calgary, we know Pierre is a bald faced liar.
It is sad what Canada's alleged conservatives have become because of #StephenHarper.
#pierrepoilevre #conservativeparytofcanada #stephenharper
@stopgopfox Oh yeah, I also got a twit suspension for suggesting a childish Canadian alr-right politician, #PierrePoilevre, who was whining about something, could also maybe hold his breath until he turned blue. They said I was encouraging self harm....