I wrote about recurring visual motif of hands in Godard’s filmography and Pierrot le Fou:
#jeanlucgodard #godard #pierrotlefou #annakarina
#jeanlucgodard #Godard #pierrotlefou #annakarina
“Film is like a battleground. There's love, hate, action, violence, death . . . in one word: emotion.”
Samuel Fuller in Pierrot le Fou
#pierrotlefou #godard #jeanlucgodard #samuelfuller #samfuller #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#pierrotlefou #godard #JeanLucGodard #samuelfuller #samfuller #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
Jean-Luc Godard : "Le cinéma est au stade du nouveau Moyen Âge"
Jean-Luc Godard répond à la question "Où en est le cinéma ?" dans l’émission "Comme il vous plaira" sur France Culture, en 1966, à l'occasion de la sortie de son dixième long-métrage "Pierrot le Fou" avec Jean-Paul Belmondo et Anna Karina.
I just finished this movie that has been on my list for a long time.
I don't want to give spoilers about the ending but movie is wonderful to who loves drama.
And I want to say how it's going well to watch movies when you're sick. :catroll:
#drama #romance #JeanLucGodard #pierrotlefou #movieoftheday
#AnnaKarina et #JeanPaulBelmondo dans #pierrotlefou.
... Belle et beau.
#pierrotlefou #jeanpaulbelmondo #annakarina