En pas in 2001 komen ze tot de release van #Lateralus, een album dat al volledig gelekt is via #napster, maar zorgt ook voor een crash van de downloadsite.
Het album zal hun grootste succes worden met de song #Schism die hen weer een grammy oplevert.
Ondertussen heeft Danny al wat projecten opgericht waaronder #Zaum met #ChrisPitmann in 1995, Jazzfusion en jamband band #Volto! in 2000.
Hij werkt mee aan verschillende tracks van supergroep #Pigface.
En werkt ook met #LesClaypool en #Slash.
#lateralus #napster #schism #zaum #chrispitmann #volto #pigface #lesclaypool #slash
This guy is a legend and if you have a few bucks to spare...
#industrial #KMFDM #pigface #ebm
#industrial #kmfdm #pigface #ebm
@ElizabethLeeCo #KMFDM, I was right up in front. Had a great view of #EnEsch and could see how he basically fed off the crowd's energy.
#LordsOfAcid during Voodoo-U, #NIN on the downward spiral tour, #Pigface during Welcome to Mexico tour, #SquirrelNutZippers right after Hell from Hot! was big.
Also #WhiteZombie. I had terrible seats for White Zombie.
I saw #EltonJohn and #BillyJoel when they toured together.
Saw #HarryConnickJr once in October. It was supposed to be Christmas music, but he didn't want to play Christmas music so early in the season.
I did not go see #BareNakedLadies because they had yet to make it big in the US at the time.
I saw #WeirdAl when I was 7. He had just released #DareToBeStupid I think. It was a long time ago.
#kmfdm #enesch #lordsofacid #nin #pigface #squirrelnutzippers #whitezombie #eltonjohn #billyjoel #harryconnickjr #barenakedladies #weirdal #daretobestupid
@axi0kers0s I saw #NIN on the downward spiral tour. Bought my T-shirt, drove to the sketchy part of town to get my bootleg CDs
My friends were like "but #Ministry" and "but #SkinnyPuppy" and I was just "those are fine but they lack the visceral machinery of #NIN and #Pigface"
#nin #ministry #SkinnyPuppy #pigface
Martin Atkins...if you are here ....I think they found you !!
Pigface to Reznor: Here's what you'll find in Chicago's new industrial rock museum : World Cafe : World Cafe Words and Music Podcast : NPR
#martinatkins #pigface #ministry #publicimagdlimited
https://www.npr.org/2023/01/19/1149977756/what-to-know-about-the-chicago-museum-of-post-rock-and-industrial-music #martinatkins #industrial #postpunk #pigface #ministry #nineinchnails #trentreznor #chicago
#martinatkins #industrial #postpunk #pigface #ministry #nineinchnails #trentreznor #chicago
Pigface isn't necessarily the greatest compliment lol. Anyway it's a succulent that grows here natively and this is the first time I've really noticed their flowers. The petals are soft so they move in the minutest breeze. And yet another spider got in the frame - so tiny and such a bright day I didn't see it until processing later.
#photography #flower #pigface #coast #tasmania
Plex out did itself on tonight’s auto select. Deep trax, wax trax, kinky trax! I’m down!
#pigface #industrial #plex #suck
#pigface #industrial #plex #suck
Three native bees gorging on the pollen of a pig face flower (Carpobrotus Edulis) - spotted yesterday on Teewah beach! Not only are the fruits of this plant edible (albeit pretty salty!) The juice from its succulent leaves has a couple of interesting medicinal properties: it can help treat sunburn, minor cuts, insect bites, stings, and even jellyfish burns! Given its preferred habitat of sand dunes and beach areas, this knowledge might come in handy one day. It also has antibacterial properties and can be used to treat minor mouth infections or a sore throat when mixed with water and used as a gargle. Are you growing pigface in your garden yet?
#photography #NaturePhotography #PlantMedicine #MedicinalPlants #PigFace #CarpobrotusEdulis #TeewahBeach #Noosa #SunshineCoast #Queensland #Australia #flower #bees #NativeBees #sunburn #insectBite #jellyfish #sting #remedy #gardening #growMedicine #antibacterial
#photography #naturephotography #plantmedicine #medicinalplants #pigface #carpobrotusedulis #teewahbeach #Noosa #sunshinecoast #queensland #australia #flower #bees #nativebees #Sunburn #insectbite #jellyfish #sting #remedy #gardening #growmedicine #antibacterial
Three native bees gorging on the pollen of a pig face flower (Carpobrotus Edulis) - spotted yesterday on Teewah beach! Not only are the fruits of this plant edible (albeit pretty salty!) The juice from its succulent leaves has a couple of interesting medicinal properties: it can help treat sunburn, minor cuts, insect bites, stings, and even jellyfish burns!Given its preferred habitat of sand dunes and beach areas, this knowledge might come in handy one day. It also has antibacterial properties and can be used to treat minor mouth infections or a sore throat when mixed with water and used as a gargle. Are you growing pigface in your garden yet?
#photography #NaturePhotography #PlantMedicine #MedicinalPlants #PigFace #CarpobrotusEdulis #TeewahBeach #Noosa #SunshineCoast #Queensland #Australia #flower #bees #NativeBees #sunburn #insectBite #jellyfish #sting #remedy #gardening #growMedicine #antibacterial
#photography #naturephotography #plantmedicine #medicinalplants #pigface #carpobrotusedulis #teewahbeach #Noosa #sunshinecoast #queensland #australia #flower #bees #nativebees #Sunburn #insectbite #jellyfish #sting #remedy #gardening #growmedicine #antibacterial
GenX still bringing it in 2016
But don't forget, we've come to fuck you over.
Pigface in the 90s was a force to be reckoned with
#pigface #fook #1990s #fullalbum
more #introduction (4/2)
I really like #Music
I played #Viola for the first half of my life. I don't play anything right now.
My first love was #Queen and then #SmashingPumpkins - I just saw them for the 2nd time last week or so.
When I found #NIN, my music tastes went dark and I now listen to loads of #Industrial and #Goth like #SkinnyPuppy, #GaryNuman, #Pig / #RaymondWatts, #Pigface. I also own all of the #LadyGaGa albums. Really digging #BridgeCitySinners, #TwinTemple, and #Ghost right now.
#introduction #music #viola #queen #smashingpumpkins #nin #industrial #goth #SkinnyPuppy #garynuman #pig #raymondwatts #pigface #ladygaga #bridgecitysinners #twintemple #ghost
Spent a great evening with Martin Atkins listening to his stories about his time with #PIL #killingjoke #Ministry #BrianBrain #Pigface Martin’s a thoroughly nice bloke and a great raconteur ….would have added a photo ….but it won’t load for some reason
#PIL #killingjoke #ministry #brianbrain #pigface