I beat #Pikmin1 (actually #Pikmin, the #WiiU #eShop version) in anticipation of #Pikmin4's upcoming release. It was a nice, short and relatively straightforward to complete adventure.
I'm considering getting #Pikmin2 (or perhaps the 2-pack?) on the #NintendoSwitch. Not sure I want to invest the time just now.
#NintendoSwitch #pikmin2 #Pikmin4 #eshop #wiiu #pikmin #pikmin1
Time for the first week of July!
We've got
#Zelda #TearsOfTheKingdom
& finishing my (quite skillful) run of #Pikmin1!
(Along with trying out the #Pikmin4 Demo!)
#littlekingsstory #zelda #tearsofthekingdom #pikmin1 #pikmin4
The Pikmin 4 demo is going to make me explode. I'm so excited for it.
I didn't really enjoy Pikmin 1 or 2. They just felt a bit clunky and suffered greatly from "old-game design." For example in Pikmin 1, Pikmin would fall into the water constantly & in Pikmin 2, you had to completely quit and restart if you wanted to attempt a floor again. (??? WHY)
Pikmin 4 fixed so many of the problems I had… I was genuinely having so much fun the whole time
#pikmin4 #pikmin4demo #pikmin1 #pikmin2