Kotaku: This Nintendo Franchise Doesn’t Sell, And Shigeru Miyamoto Has A Theory https://kotaku.com/pikmin-4-sales-numbers-switch-shigeru-miyamoto-1850661407 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #chaenostomacordatum #shigerumiyamoto #captainolimar #nintendo #gamestop #pikmin2 #bestbuy #deluxe #amazon #pikmin
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #chaenostomacordatum #shigerumiyamoto #captainolimar #nintendo #gamestop #pikmin2 #BestBuy #deluxe #amazon #pikmin
Kotaku: The Week In Games: What’s Releasing Beyond Pikmin 4 https://kotaku.com/july-game-releases-out-this-week-pikmin-4-the-sims-4-1850647763 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #chaenostomacordatum #technologyinternet #pikmin2 #pikmin3 #pikmin #sports
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #chaenostomacordatum #technologyinternet #pikmin2 #pikmin3 #pikmin #sports
Pikmin 2 terminé ! :pikmin_bloom:
Bien plus difficile que le premier, c'est un jeu avec une ambiance un peu particulière... Je comprends qu'il soit le grand favoris de beaucoup, mais pour ma part j'aurai préféré passer plus de temps sur la surface que dans les caves.
Au final, Pikmin 4 semble vouloir faire le meilleur des compromis avec le retour des caves, le retour des trésors, et un monde en surface bien plus riche !
À suivre...
Wenn ihr plant, in die #pikmin Reihe einzusteigen (was ihr solltet, ist ne gute Reihe), fangt mit #pikmin2 oder #Pikmin3Deluxe an. Pikmin 2 ist zeitlich unbegrenzt und Pikmin 3 und 3 Deluxe sind sehr einsteigerfreundlich.
#pikmin #pikmin2 #Pikmin3Deluxe
I bought #Pikmin3 cus the #Pikmin4 demo was freakin awesome.
However, I didn’t like 3 that much.
I love #Pikmin2.
I can’t believe there’s enough space to put all those treasures and monsters and fun puzzles in the tiny disk of GameCube.
I expected this level of fun experience.
Compared to 2, 3 is… disappointing.
There are same fruits everywhere, story being short, control is awful,
the final boss is not cool.
I defeated the gold thing in 1 day, so I might have missed something tho.
I beat #Pikmin1 (actually #Pikmin, the #WiiU #eShop version) in anticipation of #Pikmin4's upcoming release. It was a nice, short and relatively straightforward to complete adventure.
I'm considering getting #Pikmin2 (or perhaps the 2-pack?) on the #NintendoSwitch. Not sure I want to invest the time just now.
#NintendoSwitch #pikmin2 #Pikmin4 #eshop #wiiu #pikmin #pikmin1
Pikmin 2 Treasure Changes For Switch
Remember when Pikmin 2 came out on Gamecube? It marked a considerable departure from the first game's structure. Pikmin had a hard time limit, and it was rather a rush to complete the game within its 30 days on your first try. Pikmin 2 dispensed with that, giving players as many days as they
#niche #retro #gamecube #licensing #localization #niche #nintendo #pikmin #pikmin2 #retro #switch #video #youtube
#niche #retro #gamecube #licensing #localization #nintendo #pikmin #pikmin2 #switch #video #youtube
going live now to continue playing #Pikmin2.
im currently exploring the Wistful Wild. watch me suffer in real-time :O in this very tough area full of annoying enemies
#VTuber #EnVTuber #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #MelodyWisp #VTuberUprising #VStreamer #Pikmin
#pikmin2 #vtuber #envtuber #twitch #twitchstreamer #melodywisp #vtuberuprising #vstreamer #pikmin
going live rn, about 3 hours late! woo! #ADHD
#VTuber #EnVTuber #TwitchStreamer #MelodyWisp #Queer #VTuberUprising #VStreamer
#adhd #pikmin2 #twitch #vtuber #envtuber #twitchstreamer #melodywisp #queer #vtuberuprising #vstreamer
The Pikmin 4 demo is going to make me explode. I'm so excited for it.
I didn't really enjoy Pikmin 1 or 2. They just felt a bit clunky and suffered greatly from "old-game design." For example in Pikmin 1, Pikmin would fall into the water constantly & in Pikmin 2, you had to completely quit and restart if you wanted to attempt a floor again. (??? WHY)
Pikmin 4 fixed so many of the problems I had… I was genuinely having so much fun the whole time
#pikmin4 #pikmin4demo #pikmin1 #pikmin2
this week's stream schedule. gonna try my best to adhere to it o7
Today, it's #Pikmin2 from 4 PM to 7 PM EDT and then #MasterDetectiveArchivesRainCode from 8 PM to 11 PM EDT. Gonna be an exciting day 😍
#VTuber #EnVTuber #Twitch #TwitchStreamer #MelodyWisp #Queer #VTuberUprising #VStreamer #StreamSchedule #JackboxPartyPack #JackboxPartyPack9 #ToonTown
#pikmin2 #masterdetectivearchivesraincode #vtuber #envtuber #twitch #twitchstreamer #melodywisp #queer #vtuberuprising #vstreamer #streamschedule #jackboxpartypack #jackboxpartypack9 #toontown
@skelechanvt Hello! Nice to meet you :]
I'm a new #EnVTuber. It's only been a month and a few days since I first started streaming. It's been super fun so far :D
I primarily talk politics and #stenography and stream video games like #ToonTown, #Pikmin2, and #MurderByNumbers.
You can check my pinned posts for more info about me.
#envtuber #toontown #pikmin2 #murderbynumbers #stenography
Nintendo revela más novedades de #Pikmin4 para #NintendoSwitch, y el primer juego de la serie con #Pikmin2 llega a la #eShop de la consola :3. https://tinyurl.com/yc55pwrr
#pikmin4 #nintendoswitch #pikmin2 #eshop
Pikmin 1 e Pikmin 2, versioni HD ora disponibili su Nintendo Switch
#nintendo #nintendodirect21giugno2023 #pikmin #pikmin2
Stream Schedule 🤖
New year, same me! My first stream going to be a collab with @ItsTheJoeyShow@twitter.com! Look forward to two astronauts exploring the unknown in #Astroneer! On the weekend, I'll continue with our last year's remains: #Pikmin2 and #BanjoKazooie! Link below 🐱👇
#astroneer #pikmin2 #banjokazooie
Stream Schedule 🤖
New year, same me! My first stream going to be a collab with @ItsTheJoeyShow@twitter.com! Look forward to two astronauts exploring the unknown in #Astroneer! On the weekend, I'll continue with our last year's remains: #BanjoKazooie and #Pikmin2! Link below 🐱👇 https://t.co/aD4uAL6eiU
#astroneer #banjokazooie #pikmin2
Thinking of streaming #MetroidDread everyday from 26th to 30th. And if I finish it earlier, I would continue with #Pikmin2 👀