The time has come in #Bellingen to engage in the cultural tradition of pile burning.
Mostly hobby farmers on various acres collect their garden and bush cut offs and make huge piles during the season. It 'tidies up' the garden or block and makes a huge bonfire in the cool season.
The piles can be seen in most places growing meters high. In the duration of a few months many native #wildlife species take them to be a good home. They move in. When the petrol and lighter ignites the heap, the panicked creatures flee their shelter. Often birds of prey, having worked out the game, circle and get a rich catch.
Many chuck in some garbage too, plastic, batteries etc. The ambient air pollution is carried far and wide and often is left unattended to smolder for hours or even days.
The pile fires of the five acre kingdoms are the equivalent of the larger version of slash and burn on larger estates.
The law, the RFS and the neighbours have to be notified of fires, just in case they get out of control, as they often do. But “out here” no one cares. The #law diminishes at the periphery in minds and actions. Just a bit more atmospheric pollution, a few more choking lungs full of (toxic) #smoke. A tradition worth keeping.
Notify us of your planned burn
Standards for Pile Burning
Open burning - reducing air pollution from fires
#Combustion #Fires #Pollution #Climate #PileBurning #LandUse #Prometheus #Culture
#bellingen #wildlife #law #smoke #combustion #fires #pollution #climate #pileburning #landuse #prometheus #culture