For anyone who's thinking about sending in a pillowcase for Millions Missing 2023, here's another example (see attached image) that was posted on twitter - I got permission to re-post it here.
I'm hoping to post a photo of my own pillowcase soon, but I'm still deciding what I want to write/draw.
I hope this inspires more folks to join in! More info here:
#MillionsMissing #LongCovid #MEcfs May12th #Pillowcases
#millionsmissing #LongCovid #mecfs #pillowcases
@themaskerscomic Great! 😁
I just saw another option. I don't post on twitter any more but I do still go there to find info about ME/CFS and Long Covid.
Encephalogirl (@EncephaloME on twitter) posted:
"I customized one on Zazzle and shipped it straight to you! A great low energy option."
I had no idea Zazzle had pillowcases! Here's one I link found:
#millionsmissing #meaction #bodypolitic #pillowcases #may12