Reminder from #MEAction
"REMINDER! We plan to create something with the pillowcases sent in for #MillionsMissing. We are still working out the details.
If you could not send in a pillowcase before but would like your pillowcase to be included in our upcoming project, mail one by August 1st."
See original pillowcase page for ideas:
Remember to send your pillowcase to new address! (see attached image)
#meaction #millionsmissing #mecfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwlc #pillowstory
Post 2 of 2:
"If you want to share your pillowcase with your story online once your pillowcase is finished please tag us on social media when you share!"
FYI, they mean twitter or insta, no fediverse account yet.
"A huge thank you to #MEAction Maryland for hosting our pillowcases!"
Original pillowcase project link has ideas:
Remember to use new address when sending pillowcases!
Deadline Aug 1st
#meaction #mecfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwlc #pillowstory
On May 12th, #MEAction and Body Politic set up 300 cots, each with a blanket and a personalized pillowcase, on the grassy area at the base of the Washington Monument for Millions Missing 2023. It created a powerful image.
#MEAction has created a 20 minute video slideshow with photos of these pillowcases:
[What is ME/CFS? See ]
#MEcfs #LongCovid #PwME #PwLC #MillionsMissing #PillowStory #MEAwareness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
#meaction #mecfs #LongCovid #pwme #pwlc #millionsmissing #pillowstory #meawareness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis
@PurpleSpeedwell @mecfs So sad to see such young folks living with ME/CFS 😢
When I was looking for ideas for a pillowcase for the recent Millions Missing event at the Washington Monument (decorated pillowcases sent in by ME/CFS and Long Covid patients) someone mentioned this image to me. So poignant.
I wasn't sure I could draw a rope or chain well enough to show what was meant so I put the butterfly in a cage (easier to draw).
#mecfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwlc #millionsmissing #pillowstory
Here's a link to Zazzle for custom pillowcases:
#mecfs #pwme #millionsmissing #pillowstory
I'm almost finished with my pillowcase for Millions Missing 2023! 😀 I should have it packed and in the mail by Monday.
Project details:
There's still time to send in a pillowcase - anyone from any country can send in a pillowcase, not just US folks.
One option is to design it online using Zazzle and have them ship it directly to Washington, DC.
See link above for mailing address, see reply for link to Zazzle.
#millionsmissing #mecfs #pwme #pillowstory