I need to emphasize this article I boosted yesterday: https://exple.tive.org/blarg/2020/10/25/navigational-instruments/
For anybody working with #Firefox (and you really should using this browser in order to keep the Internet as is!), the #PIM #tips on that page are a must-read.
E.g., the search bar has some nice filter tricks, selecting text within links, show context menu even if site prevents it, 2 methods to duplicate tabs, mute tabs, work with sets of tabs, direct access shortcuts to tabs, ...
@kuketzblog Absolut gute Idee. Ich überlege mir das ebenfalls schon seit längerer Zeit. Mit meinem Wechsel auf #NixOS ist es durch die Hintertür zum Teil bereits passiert. https://github.com/novoid/nixos-config
Today I was an invited interview guests at a #podcast for the first time.
It was really great fun and time flew way too fast. I could have mentioned so many more things.
I'll keep you updated here when the episode is published.
@popey All valid points from a #PIM perspective, I agree and totally understand.
Most of them can be mitigated with #Firefox add-ons I'm using since many years.
But that's not the reason why I'm commenting here.
If everybody is using #Chrome or #Chromium-based browsers (Blink) because it's more convenient, there is no alternative to "go back" any more once one megacorp is controlling the #WWW and its only browser engine left.
You *really* don't want to get there, trust me.
#pim #firefox #Chrome #Chromium #www #google
@kickingvegas Excellent writeup! 🙇
A small comment: in practice, cloning headings for recurring events does come with many advantages as I described on https://karl-voit.at/2017/01/15/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift/
For example, you could use TODO keywords, re-schedule single instances, add notes for one occurrence and so forth.
Therefore, you should probably thinking of adding that as a comment?
Thanks for your work!
The Advantages of #Text-Based Information Versus Videos, #Audio or #Images
Many people dislike to watch #YouTube #videos and prefer a text-based tutorial for topics.
#text #audio #images #youtube #videos #publicvoit #pim #lockin
@smallcircles I'm so glad that I'm allowed to use #Emacs #orgmode in combination with #Syncthing instead.
I'll never ever have to worry about #privacy, #security or #vendorlockin again.
https://karl-voit.at/apps-I-am-using/ and https://karl-voit.at/orgmode/ and https://karl-voit.at/cloud-data-conditions/
#emacs #orgmode #syncthing #privacy #security #vendorlockin #pim #cloud #OneNote #evernote #obsidian
Am I the only one who thinks these AI (LLM) ability to "help" generate e.g. product descriptions in PIM systems is simply redressing the SEO keyword spun text mechanics we already saw 10 -15 years ago? It's going to be interesting to see consumer behavior when 'everybody' does it and whether quality text will have an effect on revenue #pim #software #ai #ecommerce
@fuzzychef This is why I set up an #xeyes plugin in my #xfce panel. 😉
#PearlsBeforeSwine with a cool #PIM trick on mobile phones (not just #iPhone also on many #Android #keyoards): https://www.gocomics.com/pearlsbeforeswine/2023/08/11
Cursor placement via space bar. Many people don't know this yet.
#pearlsbeforeswine #pim #iphone #android #keyoards
@timbray I don't get it.
I avoided spaces and used 7 Bit ASCII myself for many years.
Since probably a decade, I don't see any issue with spaces. I even started to embrace German Umlaute like äöü or ß without noticing any issue. Even zsh completion is working perfectly fine with those characters. 🤷
On the #CCCamp23 fleamarket, I offer free #PIM consulting on the camp: https://cccamp.leadfathom.grindhold.de/
@jameshowell Do not get me started on 10 years of mostly unprocessed photographs while I was busy working on a photograph management workflow with tools. Probably the highest class of #procrastination possible. 🤣 #PIM
Celebrate your #Email Debt Forgiveness Day
Today's the day you've got the chance to finally get rid of those old #emails still in your inbox ...
@kuketzblog Ich habe ergänzend dazu auch was geschrieben:
Negative Auswirkungen der #Cloud:
In case you might think that I've got my #PIM under control: 3 hours ago I had 791 items (from 2019 onward) in my #inbox. Those are ideas, tasks, notes, bookmarks I captured but didn't process yet. 😲
At the moment, I brought it down to 274 and I'll continue throwing things out tomorrow. 🏆
#pim #Inbox #springcleaning #orgmode
@gnomon @emma The worst you can do is to be ignorant about your tool choice, taking "anything that is pre-installed" and assume that it's supporting your use-cases in a good way.
Ha! Ich hab's gewusst. Auch diesmal alle meine Einreichungen abgelehnt.
Der #CCC will offenbar partout keine Vortragsthemen von mir. 😉
Dabei hätte eines der Themen wegen der #reddit-Geschichte so wunderbar gepasst. 😩
Ihr könnt zumindest diesen Vortrag von den GLT22 nachsehen: https://karl-voit.at/2020/10/23/avoid-web-forums/
#ccc #reddit #cccamp23 #pim #decentralization #webforums #text
In the upcoming months, I may add some new public appearances in form of podcasts - that's a first to me.
Currently, I do have two ongoing requests. Let's hope they both lead to great episodes. 🤞
(Still thinking about a potential topic for #EmacsConf23.)
#emacsconf23 #pim #emacs #orgmode