Imagine - Scene: January 2023, #Apple Design HQ.
"Look, we need to finalize the name for AR headset launch.
We're down to
#iBalls (Too sexual)
#Lorgnettes (too bougie)
#Pince-Nez (same)
#LaForge or #Geordi (Levar Burton laughed hysterically, but said no)
But, Tim still loves #iFocals, its a little punny but not too bad - so that's the plan, are we good?
>Disney walks in<
Why not name the product after one of our Marvel properties?
'Err, Legal vetoed 'Cyclops' as ableist - what would you suggest?"
"How about Vision....Pro?"
#apple #iballs #lorgnettes #pince #laforge #geordi #ifocals #visionpro #WWDC #wwdc23 #wwdc2023
Message de mon président d'asso :
#bras de levier xxl
#pince étau
#vis / plaque de maintien
Ils l'ont eu ! 🎉