Via our comrades at @justiceadvocacynetwork
Yesterday morning, the Miami-Dade County Commissioners moved the vote over the fate of Miami-Dade's Pine Rocklands to Sept 19th after two hours of public comments! This gives us more time to rally together and amplify our voices in opposition to the proposed theme park that threatens to destroy this vital ecosystem and disrupt the lives of endangered wildlife.
Here are some urgent calls to action to help us protect and preserve the Pine Rocklands:
Send a message to the MD BCC -
Send a video to the MD BCC - @ogilbert3 @commisharod @marleinebastien @keonhardemon @steinberg4miamidade @commisheileen @kmcabrerafl @commissionerregalado @daniellecohenhiggins @kionnemcghee @robjgonzalezfl @commishjcbermudez @senrenegarciafl
Attend the MD BCC meeting on Sept 19th - Prepare to make a public comment or attend in opposition at the upcoming meeting.
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[Image Description: Blue gradient graphic with white pine tree and text above.]
#PineRocklands #Miami #MiamiDade #Florida
#EndangeredWildlife #Conservation
#pinerocklands #miami #miamidade #florida #endangeredwildlife #conservation
1,869 acres have been designated as critical habitat for the #endangered #MiamiTigerBeetle under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct. The beetle lives in some of the few #PineRocklands that still exist in #MiamiDadeCounty, and there are heavy development pressures on such areas, despite them containing a variety of #EndangeredSpecies.
Here's #CenterForBiologicalDiversity's press release about it:
#Miami #SouthFlorida #insects #beetles #conservation #ProtectedAreas #biodiversity
#endangered #miamitigerbeetle #endangeredspeciesact #pinerocklands #miamidadecounty #endangeredspecies #centerforbiologicaldiversity #miami #southflorida #insects #beetles #conservation #protectedareas #biodiversity
The #MiamiTigerBeetle will have #CriticalHabitat finalized and The #BractedTwistflower will be listed as a #ThreatenedSpecies (with critical habitat designated) under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct, the #CenterForBiologicalDiversity announced.
The #Miami #TigerBeetle lives in the #PineRocklands of very urbanized #SouthFlorida in #MiamiDadeCounty, while the bracted twistflower is found in #UvaldeCounty, #BexarCounty, #MedinaCounty, and #TravisCounty in #Texas, roughly coinciding with the #I35Corridor.
#plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #Florida #SouthTexas #UrbanSprawl #ESA #EndangeredSpecies #USFWS
#miamitigerbeetle #criticalhabitat #bractedtwistflower #threatenedspecies #endangeredspeciesact #centerforbiologicaldiversity #Miami #tigerbeetle #pinerocklands #southflorida #miamidadecounty #uvaldecounty #bexarcounty #medinacounty #traviscounty #texas #i35corridor #plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #florida #southtexas #urbanSprawl #esa #endangeredspecies #USFWS