Tangent2 (incl. note to myself):
I've been thinking/writing/advocating #PingCoincidence #PingCoincidenceLattice #PingDuration (cmp. in German "Ping-Koinzidenz" "Ping-Koinzidenz-Gitter" "Pingdauer") as basic construction or method of measurement in #Relativity implementing [Einstein's maxime](http://einsteinpapers.press.princeton.edu/vol6-trans/165?highlightText=coincidences)
[Your article](https://decomposition.al/blog/2023/01/18/enforcing-causally-ordered-message-delivery-on-the-senders-side/) uses the term "ack" ("#acknowledgement"); correspondingly #AckCoincidence #AckCoincidenceLattice
but not "AckDuration" !
#ackcoincidencelattice #ackcoincidence #acknowledgement #relativity #pingduration #pingcoincidencelattice #pingcoincidence
I'd love to find out about #Poncelet generalizations or related results in 3+1 dimensional flat #MinkowskiSpace, with
- all relevant edges along light cones (Are those "singular" and perhaps problematic, even in 3+1 D ?), and
- the \(n\)-sided polygon generalized to a #PingCoincidenceLattice (cmp. my sketch https://mathstodon.xyz/@MisterRelativity/109435130217990848 )
#relativity #geometry #inertialframe #spacetime #pingcoincidencelattice #minkowskispace #poncelet
Related question:
Attaching \(n\) equal tetrahedra face-to-face in some 3D-sequence, how close (in terms of a positive fraction of edge length) can two vertices be, as a function of \(n\) ?
#spacetime #pingcoincidencelattice
Here's my first very rudimentary attempt at sketching a #PingCoincidenceLattice consisting of 10 participants in the configuration of a 10-vertices elementary cell of a [tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahedral-octahedral_honeycomb )
#Graphics #Mathematica #Relativity #SpaceTime #SpaceTimeCoincidences #InertialFrame
#inertialframe #spacetimecoincidences #spacetime #relativity #mathematica #graphics #pingcoincidencelattice