I quite like using #Vue 3's script setup style. Very little boilerplate and defining props as TS types is great.
https://pinia.vuejs.org/ is also 👍 I couldn't stomach #Vuex with its string-based actions or whatever.
#Pinia just makes sense to me. It doesn't try to do very much at all. It just lets me define reactive models and import them into my components.
Using Pinia/composable or provide/inject to avoid prop drilling and event bubbling problem for components in the same tree, that is the question. What do you think?
After using Pinia with Vue, which I deployed in a production environment, I figured picking up Redux wouldn't be too bad.
Man... what lies we tell ourselves lol.
Past two days were like: 😖
Finally near EOB today it is like: 😲
Of course, cleaning out this boilerplate I opted to use really helped.
"I'm not using Saga, I'm using thunk! *throws in trash*"
Maybe some day Saga, just not today.
#statemanagament #pinia #vue #redux #react
@bdbch #nuxt finde ich zum Einstieg ganz nett aber für meine Projekte eigentlich zu groß. Da nuxt3 noch nicht fertig war/ist bin ich bei #vue 3 geblieben. #typescript #vue3 #vite #pinia und #tailwind. Das script setup ist einfach super und macht richtig Spaß.
#tailwind #pinia #vite #vue3 #typescript #vue #nuxt