Great share.

Its not really fair to say blew . Yes someone died installing during the , but that initiative was a raging success for the climate, our and .

Beyond the narrative, it reduced by a whopping 30%!!!

We say was the last true PM (his policy inlcuded).

He was a real leader.


#KevinRudd #climatechange #insulation #pinkBatsScheme #thermalComfort #energyefficiency #forcedNews #consumption #KRudd #australian #julianassange

Last updated 4 years ago

Four of many reasons why was a great PM:

: The loved to hate the due to a few bad actors, but it was a massive success and reduced our by 30%. The still cry out for one.

: Despite publicly supporting a , presided over a big decline in (boosted stealthily by ).

during the - not .

: He tried.

#KevinRudd #australian #InsulationScheme #corporatemedia #pinkBatsScheme #electricityConsumption #usa #LowerImmigration #BigAustralia #rudd #immigration #JohnHoward #MoneyToPeople #gfc #banks #MiningTax

Last updated 5 years ago