@bookstodon My #review of #TheGardenIntrigue (#PinkCarnationSeries 9) by #LaurenWillig is now live, and... I am reminded of why, when I first read it, I fancast Tom Hiddleston as Augustus Whittlesby, and he's basically the character's face in my head now.
#bookreview #romance #regency #historical
Full review here: https://kamreadsandrecs.tumblr.com/post/714189176565858304/title-the-garden-intrigue-pink-carnation-9
#review #thegardenintrigue #pinkcarnationseries #laurenwillig #bookreview #romance #regency #historical
@bookstodon My #review of #TheDeceptionoftheEmeraldRing (#PinkCarnationSeries 3) by #LaurenWillig has just gone up, and sadly, my reading experience now does NOT hold up to my experience when I first read it 😔
#BookReview #romance #RegencyRomance #historical #books #adventure
Full review here: https://kamreadsandrecs.tumblr.com/post/711363994911424512/title-the-deception-of-the-emerald-ring-pink
#review #thedeceptionoftheemeraldring #pinkcarnationseries #laurenwillig #bookreview #romance #regencyromance #historical #books #adventure