"Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century"
Une critique détaillée de la position de #Pinker selon qui le capitalisme industriel a permis à l'humanité de sortir de la pauvreté. Je parlais de cet argumentaire et de ses détracteurs dans cette note de blog :
#econometrics #StevenPinker
#econometrics #stevenpinker #pinker
Muy instructivas las últimas ediciones de Saber y Ganar, aunque demasiado optimismo al estilo pinkeriano. no creo que las renovables sean per se la panacea y más si dependen en gran medida de metales y tierras raras y no se fomenta el decrecimiento propugnado entre otros por Taibo y Turiel.
Por otra parte, soy un fiel seguidor de Erundino, es un fenómeno.
#saberyganar #pinker #turiel #taibo #erundino
Hey, #atheists and other #secular types! Take the next step and question the provincial religious #morality you’re still rationalizing!
#philosophy #ethics #morals #values #reason #atheism #Aristotle #AynRand #PhilippaFoot #MichaelThompson #StevenPinker #Pinker #SamHarris #Harris #MichaelShermer #Shermer #Kant #Sidgwick #Rawls #Parfit #DavidHume #Hume #ACGrayling #Grayling #TrolleyProblem
#atheist #secular #morality #philosophy #ethics #morals #values #reason #atheism #aristotle #aynrand #philippafoot #michaelthompson #stevenpinker #pinker #samharris #harris #michaelshermer #shermer #kant #sidgwick #rawls #parfit #davidhume #hume #acgrayling #grayling #trolleyproblem
...avant de m'intéresser à l'idéologie sous-jacente. Mon idée était de ne pas m'arrêter à la constatation de la faiblesse argumentative de Pinker, mais de souligner que ses thèses s'inscrivent en fait dans une longue lignée d'apologies du néolibéralisme, reprenant parfois leur discours mot pour mot.
Deux billets rédigés à la suite de la publication du livre "Le Triomphe des Lumières" de Steven Pinker, qui défend une organisation néolibérale du monde sous couvert de rationalisme. Il y a une contradiction patente dans ce texte : Pinker se fait le défenseur de la raison tout en émaillant son discours d'approximations, d'erreurs et de déclarations péremptoires. Je me suis appliqué dans un premier temps à relever ces erreurs de raisonnement...
#Pinker has gone full Nazi Klown. It's terrible because I used to look up to him.
Just visited his Twitter feed to confirm this tweet, and it's a full-on horror show.
He's now against the UCS "Doomsday Clock" as "too negative." And he says that the assessment of Freedom House on democratic backsliding around the world has been skewed by "media negativity bias," whatever the fuck that means.
"Steven Pinker is the genteel mask of the hardcore #racism that Amy Wax shouts from the rooftops. And that's why Steven Pinker is more pernicious than Amy Wax and that's why this blog focuses on media-darling/sacred cow celebrity intellectual Steven #Pinker and not on the more obviously racist Amy Wax." @Pinkerite #fascism
@DJDynamicNC At this point, #Pinker is just absolutely worthless and utterly lazy as a public thinker. Nobody should have any use for him. #FreezePeach
Great commentary on #Pinker #StevenPinker in this piece:
"Noted Harvard professor Steven Pinker wrote in his book, Enlightenment Now, that “intellectuals who call themselves ‘progressive’ really hate progress,” then blithely promoted the idea that heritable biological difference makes Ashkenazi Jews very smart and Black people… mmm, not so much.."
I meant to ask if you would share your summary of “Humankind”, and in what ways it contradicts #Pinker, since unfortunately I won't have the time to read it any time soon…
Kial ni estas tiel? La malplena tabulo de Steven Pinker #Dulingvismo #Edukado #Libroj #Opinioj #Scienco #homa #naturo #malplena #tabulo #naturo #kaj #kulturo #Steven #Pinker #tabula #rasa #The #blank #slate #esperanto
#dulingvismo #edukado #libroj #opinioj #scienco #homa #naturo #malplena #tabulo #kaj #kulturo #steven #pinker #tabula #rasa #the #blank #slate #esperanto
[R-18] Shizuka blowjob | Firefawx #pixiv #うごイラ #R-18 #Ugoira #ショタ #firefawx #ロリ #Shizuka #Shiro #Pinker #Twins #incest #shota
#shota #incest #twins #pinker #shiro #shizuka #ロリ #firefawx #ショタ #ugoira #r #うごイラ #pixiv