"#PinkHouses" is a song written and performed by #JohnCougarMellencamp. It was released on 23 October 1983 album #UhHuh on #RivaRecords. It reached No. 8 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early 1984 and No. 15 in Canada. "Pink Houses" was ranked No. 447 on #RollingStone magazine's list of #The500GreatestSongsOfAllTime.
#pinkhouses #johncougarmellencamp #uhhuh #rivarecords #rollingstone #the500greatestsongsofalltime
Today's grid is a mini-celebration for my favorite 89-year-old. Try your hand at it and see if you can escape the earworm embedded in 7-Across. Ooh, yeah! [No refunds if you catch it.]
#disney #pinkhouses #xw #puzzle #crosswords