Chromesthesia: Hearing All the Colors of the Rainbow
What is Chromesthesia? What does it mean when you "hear" colors?
What color is a piano note? How loud is purple? What’s the brightness
#Research&Technology #2500Hz #500Hz #bluenoise #chromesthesia #indigonoise #IsaacNewton #KaitlynHova #LeonardBernstein #music #neuroscience #noisespectrum #pinknoise #synesthesia #WhiteNoise
#research #2500hz #500hz #bluenoise #chromesthesia #indigonoise #isaacnewton #kaitlynhova #leonardbernstein #music #neuroscience #noisespectrum #pinknoise #synesthesia #whitenoise
pink noise führt bei mir dazu, dass ich innerhalb von Minuten einschlafe. Wie toll ist das denn!? #Schlafprobleme #Einschlafen #pinknoise
#Schlafprobleme #einschlafen #pinknoise
I just read about #PinkNoise as a means for some people to increase their focus, but somehow it doesn’t cut it for me. Do you know or use similar signals (or environmental sounds) to better concentrate and want to share your experience?
Stressful Monday morning requires listening #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylrevival #vinylcollection #vinyljunkie #LauraMvula #PinkNoise
#vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylrevival #vinylcollection #vinyljunkie #lauramvula #pinknoise
I could stare at this all day:
alt: link to a gif of "pink noise" which looks like a trippy cloud
#hallucinations #RorschachTest #Rorschach #PinkNoise #visualization
#hallucinations #rorschachtest #rorschach #pinknoise #visualization
One minute each of White, Pink & Brown Noise from our Permanent Collection of Sounds.
Book your visit NOW to hear them:
#whitenoise #pinknoise #brownnoise #soundspectrum #noisespectrum #waveforms #MuseumOfPortableSound #SoundMuseum #sounds #soundobjects #PermanentCollection
#whitenoise #pinknoise #brownNoise #soundspectrum #noisespectrum #waveforms #museumofportablesound #soundmuseum #sounds #soundobjects #permanentcollection
I apparently like my background noise like I like my neopolitan ice cream flavors — brown is the best. Calming and possiblly helpful life hack from WaPo
#brownnoise #pinknoise #whitenoise #ADHD #audio #health
#brownNoise #pinknoise #WhiteNoise #adhd #audio #health
I don’t have #ADHD, but listening to rain recordings when I #AmWriting improves #Focus. #BrownNoise sounds interesting (literally). Have you tried it? This article has audio samples, including for #WhiteNoise and #PinkNoise. “Brown Noise Could Help People With ADHD Focus” (The Washington Post)
#writingcommunity #writerverse #amreading #pinknoise #Whitenoise #brownnoise #focus #amwriting #adhd
Reçu l'ampli 2×3W 5V (4€57 les 3!)
pour la #MuteBox et #PinkNoise
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