Gigi · @Gigi
299 followers · 1418 posts · Server

The Thread about the Chris Sky incident that she hated so much. Except, since it's Mastodon, I don't have to make 14 toots! πŸ˜„

What follows is a lengthy tale of "how does this person not know better" -- and the making of the next A*dy *go.

So you likely know that I am a Legal Observer (Coordinator) with the Movement Defence Committee (of the Law Union of Ontario).

2. On the evening of -- whoa, it's the monthiversary, that explains the escalating awfulness -- July 10, 2021, I was part of the team observing at an event that can only be described as "someone who should have known better[ΒΉ] invited toxic elements into a vulnerable community".

3. Said vulnerable community was not consulted or even considered.

As the facilitator is a potentially vulnerable person herself, you might think that empathy would kick in at some point, but if it did, it likely wasn't heard over the bravado and self-aggrandizement.

4. This plan was met with a measure of resistance from the community and allies. (Surprising, I know.)

The event did not go ahead as planned.

The facilitator abdicated her role, leaving the roid-rage leader of the toxic faction to wind his disproportionate self into a frenzy.

4a (Seriously, what is with his build? He has a silverback upper body and the skinny legs of... who knows. Why would anyone put together a workout that results in that look? Doesn't he have any friends to tell him about this?)


5. Violence ensues.

Roidrage roidrages, some dumbass jumps down 15 steps, entourage shrieks ANTEEEEEFA! like a battle cry, skinny white women attempt to egg on like some sort of inverse version of hype-man Flavor Flav (my phone really wants that U in "Flavour")...

6. While I stand on my perch observing and thinking, "Well this wasn't at all predictable πŸ™„."

Then we shuffle off to Buffalo.

And all is over.



OH NO, MY FRIEND, this is just the beginning.

Forgot to place [Β²] beside the part where the facilitator abdicated, but that definitely belongs on the Should Have Known Better list.

7. Facilitator responds, not by apologizing, but by doubling down & creating an Enemies List.

Probably subtitled:
To Be Destroyed At Any Cost.

8. Facilitator theoretically studied law and really, REALLY [Β³] ought to know better.

Also, I feel like by this point, people in general [⁴] ought to know that ✨️✨️✨️deleting something on the Internet doesn't actually make it disappear. ✨️✨️✨️

9. (And here's where the "At Any Cost" factors in):

Facilitator is also now scrounging for help to destroy her "Enemies" and settles on [⁡] white nationalists.

"Huh," you may well say. "That's an odd choice." Especially as the Enemies List is 2/3 people of colour.

10. is the facilitator.

Hmm, where have we seen a person of colour get on the treadmill of trading their utility to people who will drain them and then leave them dying of of Covid, alone and unmourned? Oh wait, no, that's Herman Caine.

A*dy *go is the one with the list.

Now at some point in the past I had blocked the facilitator on Twitter. I don't remember why, I am fast and whimsical with the block button.

Then I met her at an event and thought, "Maybe I was hasty."

That lasted just over a month and no more second guessing, *block*.

12. And then my DMs start.
"Hey, you might want to be careful, someone is livid and lashing out in all directions."

FML. What now?

Ooo doxxing. Then, the standard doxxer's denial: That isn't doxxing. Then taking credit for something that WASN'T doxxing.


13. Then sending her flying butt monkeys after anyone who says anything about the event that she didn't like...

But now, now she's partnering with Trottier to get info on a Black woman.

Yeah. So there's that.
She deletes posts fairly quickly at this point, but INTERNET.


It has been pointed out to me, that this particular branch of the vendetta, stems from this earlier recap of the events.

Someone needs to introduce her to Anne Lamott's quote.


#carymango #pinnedtoot

Last updated 2 years ago

PSiReN-X · @PSiReN
3 followers · 823 posts · Server


Isn't it...?

Within the first few days of using ; were my to their ...

seems to have for now; but 's weird, aye...?

πŸ§™βš”οΈ πŸ€–πŸΊπŸ€–βš”οΈπŸ§™ | πŸΈπŸŽ πŸ¦ΉπŸ¦„ 🦹🎠🍸

#spoutible #people #pinning #pinnedtoot #profiles #it #stopped

Last updated 2 years ago

James Cuff · @james
348 followers · 144 posts · Server

Ok so this is epic cool.

Learned from scrolling @FediFollows in a weird, but awesome way, while also learning about @profbriancox, (super famous scientist from my alma mater at Manchester enter the tooterverse), get this:


Took the liberty to pin my own little piece of recent and my to my profile.

Awesome fun feature as we all discover each other here.

#news #introduction #mastodon #pin #pinnedtoot #multiple #toots #profile

Last updated 2 years ago

Federico Maggi :verified: · @phretor
121 followers · 15 posts · Server

Hi! πŸ‘‹

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- πŸ‘€
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- πŸ”—
- 🐣
- πŸ“§


Last updated 2 years ago

Susie Walsh :verified: · @SusieWalsh
387 followers · 327 posts · Server

Also tell a bit about yourself in your or a before requesting a follow. An empty profile with just a name and no avatar is less likely to be accepted by many.

#profile #pinnedtoot

Last updated 2 years ago

:heart_sp_les3: Teobear · @Ellteo
569 followers · 8108 posts · Server

Small update - I have a Ko-fi! :coffee_mug: If you like what I do or are just feeling sweet and generous, consider dropping me a ko-fi if you can?

Whether you do or don't - I appreciate you and any support you can give, in any way you can give it! Be that donations, boosts, interactions or fav's - Thank you SO much!

#kofi #pinnedtoot #iluguys

Last updated 6 years ago

Vigdis · @vigdis
65 followers · 20304 posts · Server

Please tell me about yourself if you want to follow me and if I don't know about you, thanks!


Last updated 7 years ago