Just out: #OFFLU statement about high pathogenicity avian influenza H5N1 risk for #Antarctica, which is home to more than 100 million breeding #seabirds, 6 species of #pinnipeds and 17 species of #cetaceans. The impact could be immense. #vogelgriep
#offlu #antarctica #seabirds #pinnipeds #cetaceans #Vogelgriep
Bunch of adult harbour #seals & pups, enjoying some #pinnipeds pals & family time in #SookeBasin ❤
Pinnipeds. OG sea plankers.
#wildlife #HarborSeals #MarineMammals #SeaMammals #Westcoast #VanIsle #VancouverIsland #Sooke #ChillingOut #PNW #PacificNorthwest #SalishSea #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #MarineLife #OceanAnimals #SeaAnimals #Planking #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #RespectWildlife #GiveWildlifeSafeDistance #DontScareWildlife
#silentsunday #seals #pinnipeds #sookebasin #wildlife #harborseals #marinemammals #seamammals #westcoast #vanisle #vancouverisland #sooke #chillingout #pnw #pacificnorthwest #SalishSea #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #marinelife #oceananimals #seaanimals #planking #protectthewild #wildfirst #respectwildlife #givewildlifesafedistance #dontscarewildlife
23-million-year-old otter-like seal may have used whiskers to forage https://phys.org/news/2023-08-million-year-old-otter-like-whiskers-forage.html 🦭 #MarineScience #Seals #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds #MarineLife #FossilFriday
{📷©Gabriel Ugueto}
#fossilfriday #marinelife #pinnipeds #marinemammals #seals #marinescience
Seals practise social distancing, aerial survey of North Sea shows https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/09/seals-practise-social-distancing-aerial-survey-of-north-sea-shows Research suggests behaviour may reflect evolutionary response to previous outbreaks of disease 🦭 #MarineScience #Seals #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
{📷©Jeroen Hoekendijk/Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research/Wageningen Marine Research}
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #seals #marinescience
Dolphins, whales and seals not protected by UK government, report finds https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-66042461 🐬 #Dolpins #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #Whales #Seals #Pinnipeds #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #pinnipeds #seals #whales #marinemammals #cetaceans #dolpins
The lab is visiting the #BurkeMuseum again, this time with an eye seaward. The #OlympicPeninsula has yielded many #fossils of #marine #carnivores - #pinnipeds and the enigmatic "oyster #bear" - and we're working to reconstruct the #environments in which they lived.
#BurkeMuseum #OlympicPeninsula #fossils #marine #carnivores #pinnipeds #bear #environments
[Laborie et al.] Estimation of total population size of southern elephant #seals (Mirounga leonina) on Kerguelen and Crozet Archipelagos using very high-resolution satellite imagery https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1149100/full 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seals
[Hastings et al.] Reduced survival of Steller sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska following marine heatwave https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1127013/full 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds #SeaLions #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #Sealions #pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience
Northern elephant #seals sleep in the deep to avoid predators https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-65338500 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
{📷©Jessica Kendall-Bar}
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seals
[Nachtsheim et al.] Vessel noise exposures of harbour #seals from the Wadden Sea - Scientific Reports https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-33283-z 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seals
Albania pushes out boat to save world's rarest #seal https://phys.org/news/2023-04-albania-boat-world-rarest.html 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds #Seals
#seals #pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seal
Grey #seals are returning to UK waters, but their situation remains precarious https://phys.org/news/2023-04-gray-uk-situation-precarious.html One-third of the world’s grey seals now live the UK’s waters 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
{📷©Mati Kose}
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seals
[Seganfreddo et al.] Phenology of harbor #seal pupping and the influence of weather on pup counts, investigated by UAV https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mms.13020?af=R 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seal
#BirdFlu associated with hundreds of #seal deaths in New England in 2022, researchers find https://phys.org/news/2023-03-bird-flu-hundreds-deaths-england.html 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seal #birdflu
Shetland sanctuary fights to save #seals as pollution takes toll https://phys.org/news/2023-03-shetland-sanctuary-pollution-toll.html 🦭 #MarineScience #MarineMammals #Pinnipeds #Scotland #OceanPollution
#OceanPollution #scotland #pinnipeds #marinemammals #marinescience #seals
Changing environmental conditions may threaten marine mammal populations by making it harder to find prey https://phys.org/news/2023-03-marine-mammal-reproduction-rests-precarious.html A new study shows how small, gradual reductions in prey could have profound implications for animal populations. 🦭 #MarineScience #Cetaceans #MarineMammals #ClimateChange #Fisheries #Seals #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #seals #fisheries #ClimateChange #marinemammals #cetaceans #marinescience
David Attenborough’s final nature series to feature Shetland #seals and #orcas
https://www.shetlandtimes.co.uk/2023/03/07/david-attenboroughs-final-nature-series-to-feature-shetland-seals-and-orcas 🦭 #MarineMammals #Cetaceans #MarineScience #Pinnipeds #Whales #Dolphins
#dolphins #whales #pinnipeds #marinescience #cetaceans #marinemammals #orcas #seals
‘We must end this war on nature’: Europe’s most endangered species to protect on #WorldWildlifeDay https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/03/03/we-must-end-this-war-on-nature-europes-most-endangered-species-to-protect-on-world-wildlif 🦭 #Wildlife #Nature #Seals #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #seals #Nature #WildLife #worldwildlifeday
[Southall et al.] Managing human activity and marine mammals: A biologically based, relativistic risk assessment framework https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2023.1090132/full 🐳 #MarineMammals #MarineScience #Cetaceans #Whales #Dolphins #Pinnipeds
#pinnipeds #dolphins #whales #cetaceans #marinescience #marinemammals