I won eighteen out of the nineteen auctions I wanted to win! Got a bunch of cool animation cels, including this one from Pinnochio (not that one). A bunch of cels from King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (only 26 episodes) too.
#animation #cel #background #original #acrylic #hand #painted #inked #drawing #frames #donkey #from #pinnochio #not #that #one #another #adaptation
#animation #cel #background #original #acrylic #hand #painted #inked #drawing #frames #donkey #from #pinnochio #not #that #one #another #adaptation
#vendredilecture... Les Oiseaux, par @ploum.
Ton intertexte ne dit mot du sens porté par cette belle nouvelle.
Ça ne sent pas un peu #pinnochio quand même ?
Halfway through Guillermo del Toro's Pinnochio and I am starting to identify with the evil monkey that hates the wooden boy. #film #pinnochio
Somebody bring an. Extinguisher, because Rep. Mike Lee's pants are on fire. On second thought, bring a can of gas.
#pantsonfire #pinnochio #mikeleelies #mikeleeisconfused
The trailer for #pinnochio didn't interest me at all, but I love GDT and a lot of critics are raving...do any of my #film followers love this movie and should I prioritize it before my #netflix ends on the 15th, or is this the drag it looks like and only getting love because of love for Del Toro?
@rajvsmachine @rothgar@mastodon.uno @sunnjek @chabicht@troot.social @FranckLeroy #babbling #pinnochio #lying #cryptofascism bye
#babbling #pinnochio #lying #cryptofascism
Just saw a wonderful interview with #GuillermoDelToro. Such honesty and humility. Really want to see his #Pinnochio now...
Rather a strange night with #LittleHuman yelling at the top of his voice despite being fast asleep, and loud rustling noises on the balcony (falling ice? a bear?) during the night. Perhaps should not have watched Guillerme del Toro’s #Pinnochio on Christmas Day. 😬
I certainly didnt expect this film to be about #Pinnochio as a tool for fascist propaganda and his training to be an immortal wooden child soldier in Mussolini's army. I love Del Toro. His work is always fascinating at the very least. The art style and stop motion animation is gorgeous! The songs werent all hits for me but still worth a watch. Much more heart than #Disneys latest live action bowel movement.
#pinnochio #disneys #netflix #film #animation #guillermodeltoro
If you've wondered "what's the deal with all these #Pinnochio movies?" you are far from alone.
#youtube #analysis #youtubeanalysis #puppets #video #recommendations
#pinnochio #youtube #analysis #youtubeanalysis #puppets #video #recommendations
i was fighting back tears at SEVERAL points during this film. guillermo del toro creates stunning worlds like no other director, and that power was on fully display with #pinnochio — my favorite film of the year by a landslide
#Pinnochio Del Toro gorgeous stop motion retelling of classic story. Gepetto makes wooden boy to bring back the son he lost. Adventures ensue as find meaning in life. Sacrifice in growth. Period and fantasy elements. Songs good. Great cast. Animation absolutely stunning. 🪵 🦗
Watching the behind-the-scenes of Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio. I’m so happy we have this to watch, for one thing. Awed by the artistry. And isn’t David Bradley the best? He’s embodied some of my most beloved and most despised characters.
#Pinnochio #GuillermoDelToro #GuillermoDelTorosPinnochio
#guillermodeltorospinnochio #guillermodeltoro #pinnochio
@TheComfortableSpotPodcast All the end of year recs for this movie convinced me to watch it last night.
Meh. But fun, I guess.
So, I want to say it’s ok to stick to your instinct on this one. #Maverick may not be for you and you probably know that.
I’m going to check out #Pinnochio next.
If anyone wonders who reads all these end-of-year lists, it’s me! I try to catch up with the rest of. y’all between semesters!
si alguien me lee aquí, y tiene la oportunidad de ver la versión de Guillermo del Toro de #Pinnochio en el cine, aprovéchela. es una verdadera obra de arte
Guillermo del Toro's #Pinnochio is my favorite animated movie of the year.
It may even be my favorite all-around this year. Its sublime