I dedicate this post to the memory of my dear friend and compañero #CristiánOrrego, who worked with me and many others in the NewEngland #ChileSolidarityMovement during the #PinochetDictatorship. Cristián was a geneticist who formed part of the international forensic team that conducted an investigation into the cause of death of the Chilean poet #PabloNeruda. You may be aware that the results of that investigation have just been made public after painstaking work during 10 years. They indicate that Neruda was indeed #poisoned not long after the coup d'état that overthrew the government of #PresidentSalvadorAllende. I am very proud of Cristián's many accomplishments and those of the entire team of scientists who doggedly pursued the truth about the real cause of Neruda's death. 🇨🇱
#cristianorrego #chilesolidaritymovement #pinochetdictatorship #pabloneruda #poisoned #presidentsalvadorallende