Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf
#BillyBletcher #PintoColvig #DorothyCompton #MaryModer
#billybletcher #pintocolvig #dorothycompton #marymoder
87 years ago:
Elmer Elephant (US)
Little Elmer Elephant has a crush on Tillie Tiger and his affection is reciprocated. Trouble is, the pint-sized pachyderm is beset by bullies who ridicule his trunk and make his life miserable. Then a conflagration breaks out at Tillie's tree house.
#ElmerElephant #WilfredJackson #ClarenceNash #PintoColvig #UnitedArtists #Animation #Movies
#elmerelephant #wilfredjackson #clarencenash #pintocolvig #unitedartists #animation #movies
70 years ago:
Father's Day Off
Mrs. Goofy leaves for the day leaving the house in the hands of her husband, Goofy. Goofy is confident that he can handle the day's household chores but he keeps making typical goof-ups while attempting them. His first mistake is sending Junior to school on a Saturday. At first, he just makes small ...
#FathersDayOff #PintoColvig #AlanReed #Animation #Movies
#fathersdayoff #pintocolvig #alanreed #animation #movies
76 years ago:
Rescue Dog (US)
The snow covered mountains; but not to worry, rescue dog Pluto is on duty. Actually, given that he barely keeps himself safe, maybe you should worry. A playful seal keeps stealing his cask of grog.
#RescueDog #PintoColvig #RKO #Animation #Film
#rescuedog #pintocolvig #rko #animation #film
81 years ago:
Symphony Hour (US)
Mickey guest-directs a radio orchestra. The sponsor loves the rehearsal, but come the actual performance, Goofy drops all the instruments under an elevator, so they sound like toys. The sponsor hates it, but the audience loves it anyway.
#SymphonyHour #WaltDisney #PintoColvig #ClarenceNash #Animation #ClassicFilm
#symphonyhour #waltdisney #pintocolvig #clarencenash #animation #classicfilm
75 years ago:
Mickey Down Under (US)
Mickey, in the Australian bush, throws a boomerang that gets caught in Pluto’s mouth. Mickey then discovers an egg of an emu. Unfortunately, the parent chases him, but Pluto and the boomerang zoom into his path, leaving the emu all tangled.
#MickeyDownUnder #PintoColvig #Animation #ClassicMovies
#mickeydownunder #pintocolvig #animation #classicmovies
79 years ago:
How to Play Golf (US)
Goofy shows us, in his inimitable way, the fundamentals of golf, guided as usual by the somewhat sarcastic narrator.
#HowtoPlayGolf #PintoColvig #RKO #Animation #ClassicFilm
#howtoplaygolf #pintocolvig #rko #animation #classicfilm
77 years ago:
A Knight for a Day (US)
By accident, Cedric (Goofy), replaces his master, Sir Loinsteak, in the armor just before the joust with champion Sir Cumference.
#AKnightforaDay #PintoColvig #BillyBletcher #Animation #Film
#aknightforaday #pintocolvig #billybletcher #animation #film
74 years ago:
Pluto's Surprise Package (US)
Pluto tries to bring in the mail, which gets more difficult when a package sprouts legs and tries to go swimming. Between the wandering turtle and the wind blowing the other mail around, Pluto's got quite a task ahead. And it's not made easier when both the letters and the turtle go off a large clif...
#PlutosSurprisePackage #PintoColvig #RKO #Animation #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#plutossurprisepackage #pintocolvig #rko #animation #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
89 years ago:
Playful Pluto (US)
Mickey's trying to do some yardwork, but Pluto wants to play. They end up indoors; Mickey breaks a screen, spreads flypaper, and they both get stuck.
#PlayfulPluto #WaltDisney #PintoColvig #Animation #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#playfulpluto #waltdisney #pintocolvig #animation #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
85 years ago:
Boat Builders (US)
Mickey buys a boat kit, and enlists Goofy and Donald to help assemble it. The plans say, "so simple a child could do it", so of course, they have their share of troubles. But before long, they're ready to launch the Queen Minnie, with appropriate fanfare, at which time, all the collapsible parts col...
#BoatBuilders #BenSharpsteen #WaltDisney #PintoColvig #ClarenceNash #Animation #ClassicFilm #MickeyMouse #Film
#boatbuilders #bensharpsteen #waltdisney #pintocolvig #clarencenash #animation #classicfilm #mickeymouse #film
84 years ago:
The Practical Pig (US)
After his two brothers are captured, the third little pig invents a machine to capture the big bad wolf.
#ThePracticalPig #DickRickard #PintoColvig #Animation #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thepracticalpig #dickrickard #pintocolvig #animation #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
86 years ago:
Moose Hunters (US)
Goofy (front) and Donald (rear) are dressed in a moose suit, trying to lure moose for hunter Mickey. When they do find one, it turns out to be more than they can handle.
#MooseHunters #BenSharpsteen #PintoColvig #WaltDisney #ClarenceNash #UnitedArtists #Animation #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#moosehunters #bensharpsteen #pintocolvig #waltdisney #clarencenash #unitedartists #animation #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
84 years ago:
Mickey's Surprise Party (US)
Minnie is baking cookies. When she leaves for a short while, her dog Fifi accidentally drops popcorn kernels in the dough. Mickey and Pluto come over and visit with Minnie and Fifi. When Mickey notices that something is burning, Minnie remembers the cookies, which are popping popcorn out of them. Mi...
#MickeysSurpriseParty #HamiltonLuske #WaltDisney #PintoColvig #Animation #ClassicFilm #MickeyMouse
#mickeyssurpriseparty #hamiltonluske #waltdisney #pintocolvig #animation #classicfilm #mickeymouse
81 years ago:
Mickey's Birthday Party (US)
The gang throws Mickey a surprise birthday party; his present is an electric organ, which Minnie plays while Mickey does a jazzy dance. Goofy bakes the cake, but keeps having trouble with it falling. The gang does a conga line to a Latin tune.
#MickeysBirthdayParty #WaltDisney #ClarenceNash #PintoColvig #Animation #ClassicFilm #MickeyMouse #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#mickeysbirthdayparty #waltdisney #clarencenash #pintocolvig #animation #classicfilm #mickeymouse #classicmovies #movies #film