Heute Vortrag zu ChatGPT in der Bildung beim #PintOfScience Festival in Lübeck vor ausverkauften Haus. Wissenschaft mit Bier geht immer 😂🍻🍻
Really entertaining and informative talk about role of visual tricks (optical illusions) when interpreting X-rays... A real problem, that radiologists have to take into account! By Paul O'Riordan from LRI at The Globe, in Leicester. #pint23 #pintofscience
Obviously, not planning to get heart disease, but... Forewarned is forearmed! #pint23 #pintofscience
Lovely venue for the start of this year's #PintOfScience.
#pintofscience #science #cardiff #tinyrebel
Only a very few tickets left for #pintofscience #pint23 on Wednesday evening featuring yours truly talking about 'Sex, Dung and Climate Change' https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/sex-dung-and-climate-change
Torna il #PintofScience, manifestazione che porta nei pub i temi di attualità scientifica
L’Aquila. Torna all’Aquila, da lunedì 22 a mercoledì 24 maggio – #PintofScience, manifestazione di divulgazione scientifica che nei pub porta i più attuali temi di attualità scientifica. La manifestazione si svolgerà contemporaneamente in 26 Nazioni, con oltre 250 città coinvolte, più di 2.000 relatori e coprendo tutti i continenti, rendendola di
L'articolo Torna il #PintofScience, manifestazione che porta nei pub i temi di attualità scientifica sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.
#PintofScience returns, an event that brings topical scientific issues to pubs
L'Aquila. From Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 May, L'Aquila will once again host #PintofScience, a popular science event that brings the most topical scientific issues to pubs. The event will be held simultaneously in 26 countries, with over 250 cities involved, more than 2,000 speakers and covering all continents, making it
The article #PintofScience, an event that brings topical scientific issues to pubs, is back appeared first on AbruzzoLive.
19-5-2023 11:13 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/torna-il-pint-of-science-manifestazione-che-porta-nei-pub-i-temi-di-attualita-scientifica/
I'll be talking about my work in this year's #PintOfScience event in Bristol, so if you are in the area drop by to say hi, and have a pint.
If anyone's in #Hull on the 24th May I will be doing the
thing at Nanouk. I will be giving a talk entitled "#Sex and #dung and #ClimateChange". Starts 1900. Looking forward to it.
#hull #pintofscience #sex #dung #climatechange
#pintofscience is upon us soon 22-24 May this year. Check out the events near you at https://pintofscience.com . I have been to events in the past and they are great. Sadly, the pandemic put it all on hold. I am happy it's started again.
I'll be attending the ones in Paris https://pintofscience.fr/events/paris
Deux de mes trois soirées #Pint23 sont déjà complètes, vous êtes incroyables ! 🧡✨
Si vous signez, venez à la dernière sur “Les sourd·es [et malentendant·es] et la science” avec @cernach et STIM Sourd — il reste des places !
(Soirée co-organisée avec @lesmainsetoiles et Lisa Dubost !)
➡️ https://pintofscience.fr/event/les-sourdses-et-la-science
#pint23 #a11y #accessibility #lsf #asl #pintofscience
🌈 #MondayMotivation La bonne nouvelle du jour, c'est chez #PintOfScience 😍
Le programme de l'édition #Pint23 est disponible en ligne et il y en a pour tous les goûts, à travers la France 🤩
Les billets seront disponibles à la vente le 17 avril !
Alors, vous allez choisir quoi ? 😉
#mondaymotivation #pintofscience #pint23
Pint of Science -festivaali Suomeenkin! Kaljaa ja tiedettä olisi ihana yhdistelmä 🍻🔬
Avec @AmauryPi on a fait la captation de la table ronde spéciale Journée internationale des #droitsDesFemmes de #PintOfScience cette semaine ! Y intervenaient deux chercheuses spécialistes des règles et de l'endométriose qui répondaient à nos questions sur ces sujets.
Malgré les grèves vous êtes venues nombreuses et nombreux. Mais pour les autres qui n'ont pas pu y assister, on vous prépare la vidéo rapidement ;)
#droitsdesfemmes #pintofscience
RT @FishConGen
Standing room only for the #NightOfScience #Tieteidenyö #tieteidenyoe #pintofscience event at Coolhead brewery in Helsinki tonight
#nightofscience #tieteidenyo #tieteidenyoe #pintofscience
#PintOfScience está de vuelta y el equipo nacional ya trabaja a pleno pulmón para preparar una edición más con todo el sabor y la frescura de la buena ciencia. Quizá os estaréis preguntando quiénes están detrás y qué puñetas hacen tan pronto, ¡si hasta mayo no es el festival!
Hoy os presento en el blog a todos y cada uno de loa componentes que dan vida al equipo. ¡Entra a conocernos!
RT @El_Inquisito
1/ A rebufo de la última edición de #NaukasBilabao22, que ha tenido al arte como elemento transversal en varias charlas, he decidido rescatar y convertir (más o menos) en hilo la charla que di en el último #PintofScience, precisamente, sobre el arte desde y hasta la ciencia.
#NaukasBilabao22 #pintofscience
So excited thant #PintOfScience is finally happening in Vienna and in person ! #pint22
The #PintOfScience program is out for Austria ! If you want to enjoy a scientific evening in a bar on the 9/10/11th of May, buy a ticket now. And if you join the "Planet Earth" events, you will even see me :blobderpy: