Spent part of my day today reading articles on “innovation labs“ in journalism. Perspectives vary—from the point of view of media sociology, I would like to see more deconstruction of the concept of #innovation in #journalism research and a greater awareness that “agile methods“ are not necessarily “good“, but also have something to do with #neoliberalism and the #individualization of responsibility (and failure). Criticize the #lab discourse and think differently about #pioneerjournalism…
#innovation #journalism #neoliberalism #individualization #lab #pioneerjournalism
I will use this example from the @tazgetroete today as a hook for my talk at the @sfsci@twitter.com congress. It shows well how far apart the narratives about communicative #AI and the everyday work of journalists are, how much the phenomenon of #ComAI is currently characterised by a "talking" and "curating into being" - and why #journalism is involved in this. Also #pioneerjournalism 👇👇👇
#ai #comai #journalism #pioneerjournalism
Worth reading: An article by @Roland_Fischer@twitter.com about Anic T. Wae, an #OpenAI #GPT3/ #GPT4-based #AI columnist for the @tazgetroete. Why? You learn how far the human-machine symbiosis has to go for the system to work at all, about protections and anthropomorphisation by journalists, the importance of #OpenAI's infrastructure and that the agency lies precisely not in the system but in the hybrid figuration of human and machine. #ComAI #pioneerjournalism In German: https://www.taz.de/!5938268
#openai #gpt3 #gpt4 #ai #comai #pioneerjournalism
Der #OpenCampus der @unibremen steht für den 23.-24. Juni 2023 an – und natürlich sind wir vom @zemki dabei. Unter anderem präsentieren wir https://molo.news, unsere lokale Nachrichtenapp für Bremen, deren bundesweiter Start gerade getestet wird. #pioneerjournalism https://www.uni-bremen.de/open-campus/lageplan
#opencampus #pioneerjournalism
Heute auf der #rp23: Andrea Grahl und Katharina Heitmann berichten 15:30 in der Oberhafenkantine über den Stand unserer offenen, datenarmen Plattform für #Lokaljournalismus und lokale News, https://Molo.news Einfach vorbei schauen! Wir wollen damit eine wirkliche Alternative entwickeln und testen gerade die Möglichkeiten für eine bundesweiten Start, gefördert vom @bmbf_bund #pioneerjournalism
#rp23 #lokaljournalismus #pioneerjournalism
Exciting for https://molo.news: the talk by @correctiv_org at #rp23 on the crisis of #local #journalism. This is what the network correctiv.local is working against. #pioneerjournalism https://correctiv.org/lokal/
#rp23 #local #journalism #pioneerjournalism
At the #ica23 postconference "Novel Directions in Media Innovation and Funding": Exciting presentation by @askekammer on the "Innovation Pool" for #journalism in Denmark. However, the bigger question from the point of view of our research on #pioneerjournalism is whether it is about the survival of the individual organisation or the (slow) transformation of the field of journalism. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003140399-11/beyond-innovation-andreas-hepp-wiebke-loosen
#ica23 #journalism #pioneerjournalism
A great #ICA23 post-conference on "Novel Directions in #Media #Innovation and #Funding" kicks off at historic Gladstone House, organised by @hermida and @marylynnyoung@twitter.com
It just occurs to me that we could have also presented our empirical research on #pioneerjournalism and our development of the local news platform https://Molo.news...
#ica23 #media #innovation #funding #pioneerjournalism
It is not the #diffusion of technology that transforms #journalism, but technology as a reference point for organisational refiguration. Our paper presented by @kuehnhendrik @WLoosen #pioneerjournalism #ica23 @ZeMKI_Bremen @BredowInstitut
#diffusion #journalism #pioneerjournalism #ica23
Tools are always in the marking: @A_Schmitz_@twitter.com from @zemki presents her media ethnography on journalistic tools and the role of organisational context for their development #pioneerjournalism #ICA23
Fresh from the kick-off of molo.news - our platform for local news, whose nationwide launch we are now testing, with a team at @zemki, HBI and Media and Communication Studies at the University of Leipzig. With funding from VIP+ @bmbf_bund, we want to further develop the platform for local media, collectives and officials so that it is interesting for as many cities as possible. More at https://molo.news/ #Platformisation #LocalJournalism #journalism #pioneerjournalism #PlatformCoop
#platformisation #localjournalism #journalism #pioneerjournalism #platformcoop
Frisch aus dem Kick-Off von molo.news - unserer Plattform für lokale News, deren bundesweiten Start wir nun testen, mit einem Team am @zemki, HBI und der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Uni Leipzig. Mit der Förderung durch VIP+ @bmbf_bund wollen wir die Plattform für lokale Medien, Kollektive und Offizielle so weiter entwickeln, dass sie für möglichst viele Städte interessant ist. Mehr unter https://molo.news/#Lokaljournalismus #Journalismus #pioneerjournalism #PlatformCoop
#journalismus #pioneerjournalism #platformcoop
Our project molo.news is entering its 2nd phase: thanks to the VIP+ programme of the @bmbf_bund, we can test at the @zemki, the Leibniz Institute for Media Research HBI and the @unileipzig whether our platform for local news also works across Germany. We are launching in 4 other small and medium-sized cities besides Bremen and Leipzig and with lots of great ideas. #PioneerJournalism #LocalJournalism #PlatformCoop #DesignJustice More info: https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/zemki/details/molonews-forschungsverbund-testet-eine-in-bremen-entwickelte-nachrichten-app-1
#pioneerjournalism #localjournalism #platformcoop #designjustice
One important point Friedrich Krotz makes at the @zemki workshop on #mediatization, especially from the perspective of research on #pioneercommunities and #pioneerjournalism: mediatization research should also be prognostic in the sense that it looks at possible #futures. Otherwise, development is left to tech companies and their interests. I would completely subscribe to that, but it also means thinking hard about the necessary methods and theories.
#mediatization #pioneercommunities #pioneerjournalism #futures
‼️JOB ‼️ SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: After molo.news for Bremen, the next 🚀 leap of the common good-oriented #pioneerjournalism platform is coming - we are looking for a developer to join our creative and enthusiastic co-creation team (deadline: 31/01/23). #DesignJustice #PlatformCoop #journalism
#pioneerjournalism #designjustice #platformcoop #journalism
Für alle, die an #Pionierjournalismus in Deutschland interessiert sind: ein lesenswerter Beitrag in der @tazgetroete zum Y-Kollektiv / Sendefähig, #pioneerjournalism: https://taz.de/Archiv-Suche/!5909767&s=bremen/
#pionierjournalismus #pioneerjournalism
„Journalismusförderung im Lokalen ist eine Lücke“, schreibt @weissenpeter in der @tazgetroete, #Facebook und #Twitter keine Lösung. Wir versuchen mit https://molo.news unseren Beitrag zu leisten und suchen eine:n Entwickler:in. @zemki #pioneerjournalism #Pionierjournalismus
#facebook #Twitter #pioneerjournalism #pionierjournalismus
‼️JOB ‼️ SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: After molo.news for Bremen, the next 🚀 leap of the common good-oriented #pioneerjournalism platform is coming up - we are looking for a developer to join our creative and enthusiastic co-creation team. #DesignJustice #PlatformCoop
#pioneerjournalism #designjustice #platformcoop
RT @Andreas_Hepp@twitter.com
Just out: Our paper on http://molo.news as an experimental relational platform for local #journalism, written together with @WLoosen@twitter.com. #pioneerjournalism #platformcoop #openaccess @commfigurations@twitter.com @ZeMKI_Bremen@twitter.com @BredowInstitut@twitter.com @molo_news@twitter.com Download: https://www.kofi.uni-bremen.de/fileadmin/files/downloads/molo-news_Hepp_Loosen.pdf
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Andreas_Hepp/status/1204785231137513473
#openaccess #platformcoop #pioneerjournalism #journalism