#zomg I am going down a #rabbitHole with a new #mastodon game I just now invented... As I started typing in #pioneer it came up with a bunch of #hashtag suggestions like #pioneersofchange #pioneeroftheweb #pioneervalley #pioneerspecies #pioneersquare #pioneeringwomen and #pioneers ... That's it. #thatsthetweet #thatsthetoot
#zomg #rabbithole #mastodon #pioneer #hashtag #pioneersofchange #pioneeroftheweb #pioneervalley #pioneerspecies #pioneersquare #pioneeringwomen #pioneers #thatsthetweet #thatsthetoot
Above is a young Cecropia, here is another that I planted as a seedling in 2017 at our home in Brazil. Cecropias are #PioneerSpecies and do well on degraded land. #EcologicalRestoration #Rewilding #MataAtlânitca
#pioneerspecies #ecologicalrestoration #rewilding #mataatlanitca