@runarcn Instead of YT, you could try (an alternative front-end with ad blocker).



Last updated 1 year ago

monocles✅ · @monocles
218 followers · 65 posts · Server monocles.social

Currently we're *testing* , the ad and tracking free frontend. You can just try it now:

or host it yourself:

#youtube #piped

Last updated 1 year ago

· @JennyMirabella
114 followers · 676 posts · Server troet.cafe

@kuketzblog Danke vielmals für deine Empehlungsecke. Die ist wirklich sehr umfangreich und informativ. Und da steckt jede Menge Arbiet dahinter! Da hab ich jetzt gleich mal meine Suchmaschine geändert (war bei der Ente) und bin nun bei der youtube-Alternative gelandet.


Last updated 1 year ago

"Piped ist ein YouTube-Frontend für den Browser, dessen Quellcode auf für jeden einsehbar ist.

Über lässt sich praktisch jedes -Video anschauen – allerdings unter anderen Voraussetzungen:

Keine oder
Keine Verbindung mit -Servern
Leichtgewichtiges und schnelles Interface

Wer es noch nicht kennt, probiert es doch einfach mal aus und setzt Euer .


#kuketzblog #ungoogled #NoAds #notracking #datenschutz #Lesezeichen #google #tracking #werbung #youtube #piped #github

Last updated 1 year ago

TetraShot7 · @TetraShot7
9 followers · 146 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

What options are we gonna have if basically killed every single and preventing us from using these protocols to watch videos? They're basically evil now for the most of those privacy oriented users.

#youtube #invidious #piped

Last updated 1 year ago

Simon Müller :maxwell_cat: · @Rush
102 followers · 1108 posts · Server mstdn.social

@userohnenamen even better: Not only does it not come with an adblocker, it doesn't load any to begin with :P

And because it uses in the background to achieve all of this, your privacy and anonymity towards google is preserved while watching

Truly a great project


Last updated 1 year ago

Simon Müller :maxwell_cat: · @Rush
102 followers · 1108 posts · Server mstdn.social

@FreeTube Hi, thanks for your service. is similar to except that Invidious embeds videos straight from by default. Means: My browser loads the video via Google servers, which, due to the system, is associated with the transmission of my IP address to Google. What happens if I use your app under and not the browser extension? Do I bypass google with local API? Thanks and best wishes

#tracking #macos #google #piped #invidious

Last updated 1 year ago

MΞ1K · @me1k
1 followers · 112 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Google/YT blockt wohl mittlerweile "aktiv" Proxys 👎🏼 Bin gespannt, wie das weiter geht github.com/TeamPiped/Piped/iss


Last updated 1 year ago

C-onner · @conner
34 followers · 63 posts · Server social.c-onner.de

Moin !
Jemand eine Ahnung ob kaputt ist?


Last updated 1 year ago

Fabio Manganiello · @blacklight
1236 followers · 1291 posts · Server social.platypush.tech

An update on instances being down: it doesn't seem to be another breaking change on the API. It seems that YouTube is simply blocking straight away traffic that comes from known ytproxy IP addresses: github.com/TeamPiped/Piped/iss

That explains why new instances that are running on new IPs are still working (for now).

Of course there are countless ways to mitigate this (using a VPN on my server and rotating IP addresses every couple of hours could be one), but I really don't want to do this anymore.

I'm really done playing this cat and dog game with motherfucking Google. I've spent years bypassing whichever restrictions they come up with against youtube-dl, Piped and Invidious. I just want to watch my videos in peace now.

Now they've reached the point of straight away banning IP addresses. There's nothing technically challenging to bypass here anymore, no new mechanism to break, nothing that a tinkerer like me would enjoy investigating and breaking. There's just a frustrated company struggling to remain profitable and relevant that has made it a mission to go after that <2% of users that use alternative clients, hoping that the crackdown will help them show a small uptick in revenue that they can then use to temporarily gaslight their shareholders.

Now they're just banning IP addresses like frustrated IRC admins in the 1990s because we've outsmarted all of their stupid restrictions, and they hope that people that hate them so much to invest time building alternative clients and drive ads revenue away from them will suddenly start using their official crappy app.

I just wish that these parasites die out ASAP, while I move on with my life and promise myself not to open a YouTube link in my life anymore - just like I've done with Reddit and Twitter.

And I hope that content creators will do so too, as their precious content is held hostage of a corporation that doesn't give a fuck about them, pays them peanuts (if it pays them at all), and those payouts will also decrease as the product becomes less profitable, and it'll not be afraid of limiting the distribution of their content if doing so has a chance of improving their own profit line. But a platform like YouTube without content creators will just die out: you guys have much more power than you think.

Come on creators, if I've gone through so much trouble to bypass YouTube's barriers was just to view your content. I'd be much happier to support you folks (and that means paying subscriptions and donating, not just watching a couple of ads) on any other platform you decide to move.


Last updated 1 year ago

Fabio Manganiello · @blacklight
1226 followers · 1272 posts · Server social.platypush.tech

My instance is currently down, and so does every other Piped instance I know of: github.com/TeamPiped/Piped/iss.

We started getting 403 on `/videoplayback` on the ytproxy starting ~12h ago.

This is most likely trying to show that they're serious on cracking down on folks who watch videos without watching ads.

I wish that more content creators were on platforms like . I wish there were more of them on too, but I understand the point that many of them make - PeerTube can't be monetized, and not everybody feels like always doing charity.

I'm happy to pay even $10 per month for a platform owned by the content creators themselves (or even a pay-as-you-go model), rather than contributing to Google's spyware and getting interrupted by ads every 10 minutes.

So if this is the nail in the coffin of my experience as a YouTube consumer, let it be it. Cracking whatever new algorithm the folks at Google have decided to implement in order to ensure that only those who are logged in and watch ads can watch videos is fun for a bit, but it becomes boring after a while. At some point I'd just like to move on with my life and watch videos on my tv without having to debug youtube-dl or Piped on a monthly basis.

If any of you know of alternative video platforms like Nebula, with high-quality content and owned by content creators themselves, let me know in the comments. I'm happy to support whoever starts to build a serious alternative to the YouTube cage.

#piped #youtube #nebula #PeerTube

Last updated 1 year ago

Nathan Drake Personal · @thx8te
69 followers · 255 posts · Server mastodon.thx8te.kh.ua

Доречі виявився кращим за працює в декілька разів стабільніше та зручніше

#piped #invidious

Last updated 1 year ago

adminForge :cloud: · @adminforge
1173 followers · 390 posts · Server kanoa.de

Instanzen scheinen defekt zu sein, auch die offizielle spielt keine Videos ab!


Last updated 1 year ago

Lars Kasper · @kasper
160 followers · 1316 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

@notiondump Ich empfehle die Nutzung eines alternativen Front-Ends für , wie oder . (Und, wo möglich, uBlock origin als Browsererweiterung.)


#piped #invidious #youtube

Last updated 1 year ago

Suguru Hirahara · @suguru
405 followers · 1289 posts · Server mstdn.progressiv.dev

I would like to thank @valere for providing a bunch of FOSS to preserve privacy at hostux.network including , , , , etc.

#simplelogin #privatebin #kutt #piped

Last updated 1 year ago

Ghostsheetz · @Ghostsheetz
38 followers · 43 posts · Server alaskan.social

Is there a piped bot for mastodon?


Last updated 1 year ago

Cal Alæra · @Cal
16 followers · 82 posts · Server kind.social

@Bright5park or is a good choice, though be aware that if you're the sole user, it won't help your privacy as much as it otherwise might. :)

#invidious #piped

Last updated 1 year ago

sp-codes · @sp_codes
125 followers · 65 posts · Server social.sp-codes.de

sp-codes Updates:

In den letzten Tagen gab es einige Probleme mit dem -Server und der -Instanz. Deshalb werden in den nächsten Tagen alle öffentlichen Dienste auf eine neue Infrastruktur migriert. Deshalb nicht wundern, wenn einzelne Dienste mal nicht erreichbar sind.

Da es schon länger Probleme mit , und Sync gibt und ein zuverlässiger Betrieb hier nicht mehr möglich ist, werden diese Dienste am 21.07. abgeschaltet.

Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis!

#matrix #mastodon #piped #searx #firefox

Last updated 1 year ago

C.H. · @c_th1
130 followers · 320 posts · Server digitalcourage.social