My Pipe of Seriousness. Can you tell I'm being serious there? (Not!)

I've mentioned before that my pipe is an homage to Graham Chapman.

You can also partially see a Walrus mustache in the picture, an homage to Wilford Brimley.

Yeah, I have strange heroes.

(Reminder: I don't smoke.)

#pipeofseriousness #pipe #grahamchapman #montypython #walrusmustache #mustache #wilfordbrimley #heroes

Last updated 1 year ago

Come to think of it, I don't think it is any coincidence that Graham Chapman was my preferred Python.

My Pipe of Seriousness (which, ironically, I whip out when I'm not being serious at all) exists as a tribute to him. For the record, I don't smoke. If I did, my oncologist would kill me. It is mainly a prop for my subs.

Here's to you, Graham! 🍺

(I don't drink either.)

#grahamchapman #montypython #pipeofseriousness #pipe #oncologist #bdsm #subs #pridemonth #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #cancer

Last updated 1 year ago