@twsh @Scmbradley Yes to this, although you could install other packages into the same #pipx env. More in the hashtag - depending on how populated that is on your server.
Am currently trying to get more #pipx stuff written, but keep getting sniped by tax, accounts and contracts 😞
@tshirtman @diazona @jackwilliambell
Fair enough. I resisted pipenv for quite a while, switched to it for a year or two, and have moved on to poetry with no regrets.
I only use it for projects, though. Personal or work. If I just want to install a Python tool for local use, `pipx` is still just the ticket for it.
PipX statt Pip
Pipx räumt die aktuellen Beschränkungen von Pip aus dem Weg, indem es die einfache Installation von Python-Paketen in virtuellen Umgebungen vereinfacht.
#python #pip #pipx #virtuelle_umgebung #virtenv #linux
Instalarea și utilizarea pipx în Linux
#rootlinuxro #rootlinux #linux #python #pip #pipx
I’m struggling to get #Pipx to run / install from a private #GitHub repo, authenticating via #SSH key (git+ssh), and pulling down a specific #branch. The same process works fine with #HTTP (git+https) with virtually the same URL, but introduces some authentication complexity I’m trying to avoid.
#pipx #github #ssh #branch #http
3 Ways to Fix Pip Install Error on Ubuntu 23.04
If you’ve made the upgrade to Ubuntu 23.04 and try to run ‘pip install’ you’ll notice it now throws an error – but it’s not a bug. The reason why the pip install command doesn’t work in Ubuntu 23.04 is an intentional shift in policy (also taken in Ubuntu’s upstream, Debian) to avoid conflicts between the Python package manager and Ubuntu’s underlying APT. Basically, you can’t run pip install outside a virtual environment in Ubuntu 23.04. If you try to, you get a “externally managed environment” error similar to this: The good news is that there are a number of :sys_more_orange:
#News #Pipx #Python #Ubuntu23_04
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/04/pip-install-error-externally-managed-environment-fix
#news #pipx #python #ubuntu23_04
After upgrading to #ubuntu23.04 I was able to remove all my old venvs and would have a lot to manage if it weren't for #pipx. `pipx reinstall-all` Fixes-Everything™. It even says where command are pointing to some other file than it has setup for you (including broken module callers). Quite awesome. Moving from #python 3.10 to 3.11 has been easier than any move i've ever done before. Thanks pipx!
I started using #pipx after reading about it in a #Debian update. It installs a Python package for running its scripts. Unlike pip it manages a separate virtualenv for each package, while putting a symlink in $PATH. (It can upgrade packages and reinstall them; maybe it will work when I install a newer Python release updating Debian Unstable.)
The first packages I install using it are Poetry and pre-commit, they manage even more virtualenvs.
Nice feature of #pipx that it warns me that my previous hacky way of getting ipython binary in my path collides with the ipython it's just installed for me 👌
Pro tip when using pipx with GitHub actions; specify the python version with --python to prevent installing with an undesired Python version.
See more here for details: https://fredrikaverpil.github.io/cheat-sheets/gha/#pipx-via-actionssetup-python
Just installed CircUp tool to help me keep CircuitPython modules on my various devices up-to-date. It works like a charm! One suggestion: install with "pipx" rather than with regular "pip" 🤓
Link to Adafruit post on CircUp: https://learn.adafruit.com/keep-your-circuitpython-libraries-on-devices-up-to-date-with-circup/overview
#circuitpython #circup #pipx #pip #python
@davemq Uhm i cannot edit this post about #python #pip #pipx and #virtualenvs I'll just attach some hashtags here
#python #pip #pipx #virtualenvs
Pipx – Install And Run Python Applications In Isolated Environments #Pipx #Python #Linux
pipx is a neat tool to install one Python application in an isolated virtual environment without messing up your system Python libraries.
Just installed vorta, a GUI for borgbackup.
$ pipx install vorta