The Pilfered Orb by Griselda_Gimpel - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke, Pirane... via @ao3org
When the Nameless King of Lost-hope's orb is stolen, he traverse the realms to look for it. When he finds himself in the House, he meets its inhabitant, who offers to assist him.
Ho letto #Piranesi e ne ho parlato qui:
“Sono convinto che il Mondo desideri avere un Abitante perché sia testimone della sua Bellezza e beneficiario delle sue Benedizioni” - Piranesi
I did not want this to end
What a brilliant, beautiful book. I loved Piranesi as a character and the mystery that surrounds him and the house he inhabits. I enjoyed, too, the invocation of Manchester in the 80s and the flavour of dark academe that reminded me of The Secret History.
#Books #bookreview #piranesi #SusannaClarke
Detail of one of the original six etched plates of Giovanni Piranesi’s massive, detailed (and largely conceived from his own imagination) map of Rome. This was drawn (in reverse) by Piranesi on to a wax-covered copper plate, which was then lowered into an acid bath exposing the bare metal to etching, creating a plate suitable for printing.
Photographed in the #Piranesi exhibit at #Oslo’s National Museum back in January.
Read Piranesi in a day. Usually just read 5 pages of a book at night (and not every night) as I fight against sleep. I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t want the second half of the story to win, but it did…I wanted the world of the house to be the prevailing place…but it wasn’t. I wish I had had these thoughts. #Piranesi #SusannaClarke
@jaguar019 are you looking for short reads or something longer?
These days for quick reads I like recommending #EarthSea (fantasy), #MurderbotDiaries (sci-fi by @marthawells), #Piranesi (magical realism of sorts but not really?)
I don't know what you've read before but let me know if you wanna read some chunky books too 😊😊 I like finishing short ones to give me that motivation boost
#earthsea #murderbotdiaries #piranesi
The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its kindness infinite.
#aiartmovement #aiart #digitalArt #piranesi
So far this year I've completed #Dune and #DuneMessiah as well as #Beowulf
Currently reading #Piranesi and #AClockworkOrange
#Dune #dunemessiah #Beowulf #piranesi #aclockworkorange
It's an interesting feeling when you start reading a book you've heard so many good reviews of.
For the first two chapters of #Piranesi I wondered whether I'd be able to get through it, then in chapter three it's like I stepped through the curtain into the other world and I'm all in.
#bookstodon @bookstodon #reading #fiction #fantasy #currentlyreading #books #readingchallenge
#piranesi #bookstodon #reading #fiction #fantasy #currentlyreading #books #readingchallenge
First book of the year finished. #Piranesi by Susanna Clarke (of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell fame). A very unusual, short book but a really interesting one. Recommended.
Book no. 2 is #Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
I almost dnf'ed this one, but I'm glad I picked it back up. The first half is a slog, but the ending might actually be worth the "holy shit, get on with it" that came before.
Joitakin kirjoja pitää lukea 100, jopa 150 sivua, että teksti imaisee mukanaansa. Jotkin romaanit vievät heti mennessään. Susanna Clarken #Piranesi kuuluu jälkimmäisten joukkoon. Todella kiinnostava ekalta sivulta alkaen. Joululoma on lukuloma #kirjamastodon
In no particular order, some authors I’ve enjoyed this year:
#KDEdwards ( #TheTarotSequence )
#DyrkAshton ( #Paternus )
#RebeccaRoanhorse ( #BetweenEarthAndSky )
#TamsynMuir ( #TheLockedTomb )
#BrandonSanderson ( all things #Cosmere )
#TJKlune ( #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea )
#ChinaMieville ( #Kraken )
#UrsulaKLeGuin ( #TheLeftHandOfDarkness & #Earthsea )
#EverinaMaxwell ( #WintersOrbit )
#PDjeliClark ( #AMasterOfDjinn )
#MaggieStiefvater ( #TheDreamerTrilogy )
#OlivieBlake ( #TheAtlas )
#DavidRSlayton ( #AdamBinder )
#RogerZelazny ( #LordOfLight )
#MarthaWells ( #TheMurderbotDiaries )
#TerryPratchett ( #Discworld )
#TravisBaldree ( #LegendsAndLattes )
#ZamilAkhtar ( #GunmetalGods )
#ArkadyMartine ( #Teixcalaan )
#DennisETaylor ( #Bobiverse )
#FondaLee ( #TheGreenBoneSaga )
#NicholasEames ( #TheBand )
#SusannaClarke ( #Piranesi )
#KaiAshanteWilson ( #TheSorcererOfTheWildeeps )
If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to shout them out! #Scifi #Fantasy #SFF #Bookstadon #ScifiReads #FantasyReads #ScifiFantasy #QueerScifi #QueerSFF
#kdedwards #thetarotsequence #dyrkashton #paternus #rebeccaroanhorse #betweenearthandsky #tamsynmuir #thelockedtomb #brandonsanderson #cosmere #tjklune #thehouseintheceruleansea #chinamieville #kraken #ursulakleguin #thelefthandofdarkness #earthsea #everinamaxwell #wintersorbit #pdjeliclark #amasterofdjinn #maggiestiefvater #thedreamertrilogy #olivieblake #theatlas #davidrslayton #adambinder #rogerzelazny #lordoflight #marthawells #themurderbotdiaries #terrypratchett #discworld #travisbaldree #legendsandlattes #zamilakhtar #gunmetalgods #arkadymartine #teixcalaan #dennisetaylor #bobiverse #fondalee #thegreenbonesaga #nicholaseames #theband #susannaclarke #piranesi #kaiashantewilson #thesorcererofthewildeeps #scifi #fantasy #sff #bookstadon #scifireads #fantasyreads #scififantasy #queerscifi #queersff
@jasonkotenko I've enjoyed Octavia Butler quite a bit this year. It's #SciFi or #Fantasy but quite different from the normal run of such books.
Other good books I read this year #Piranesi
#scifi #fantasy #piranesi #theboysintheboat
"Writing became torturous – all the projects I’ve tried to work on while I was ill kept flowing down a lot of alleys, that was part of the illness – I think it may be a feature with chronic fatigue that you become incapable of making decisions. I found it impossible to decide between one version of a sentence and another version, but also between having the plot go in this direction and having it go in that direction. Everything became like uncontained bushes, shooting out in all directions. That’s the state that the sequel to Jonathan Strange is in. It’s almost like a forest now.”
Wisdom about #writing and #ChronicIllness and #ImposterSyndrome from the incomparable Susanna Clarke.
(I've read Piranesi and was completely enthralled but have not yet read her first book — no spoilers please!)
#writing #chronicillness #impostersyndrome #susannaclarke #piranesi #jonathanstrange
#flaubert #byron #paularego #paulklee #terborch #scarlatti #francescoguardi #hubertrobert #cesariaevora #preunificationItaly #piranesi #brouwer #medievalhistory
Che libro bellissimo, raga.
Un'ambientazione molto diversa dal solito, affascinante e tutta retta su tre personaggi in croce. Un protagonista gentile, non belligerante e per questo affascinante. Una storia piena di misteri che leggi un capitolo e non ti stacchi da quello dopo.
Soprattutto una riflessione molto sensata sui mondi in cui viviamo e quelli che ci portiamo dietro.